George Orwell 1984 Summary

Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head :

1984 Chapter Ten – Two and Two make five



Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Ten – Two And Two Make Five

How can we tell that the interrogation techniques used by the Party are extremely effective.

We can tell that the interrogation techniques used by the Party are extremely effective from the detail that even the ‘first stage of questioning’ makes Winston admit to ‘every imaginable crime’, such as being an Eastasian spy.



Why is O’Brien not satisfied with the first time Winston says that he is holding up ‘five’ fingers?

O’Brien is not satisfied with the first time Winston says that he is holding up ‘Five’ fingers because he thinks that he is lying and that he still thinks that the answer is ‘four’.



When the dial on the torture machine is put up to ‘seventy-five’, with what detail does Orwell convey that it causes Winston worse pain than he has ever imagined possible? 

Orwell uses the detail that Winston no longer notices whether he is crying or not to show that ‘seventy-five’ is worse pain than Winston has ever imagined possible.



What is surprising about the way Winston views O’Brien after torturing him?

It is extremely surprising that Winston views O’Brien as ‘a friend’ and that the fact that he has been torturing him ‘makes no difference’ to how he views him.



What does O’Brien assert is the purpose of bringing Winston to the Ministry of Love?

O’Brien asserts that the reason that the party has brought Winston to the Ministry of Love is to make him ‘better’, rather than to punish him.



“O’Brien tells Winston that Julia could not resist the Party’s tortures for very long.” True or false?

This statement is true: O’Brien tells Winston that Julia betrayed him ‘immediately, completely’ when she was tortured, commenting that he has never seen anyone gave in sp quickly.



How does Orwell build mystery around ‘Room 101’?

Orwell creates mystery around ‘Room 101’ by not having O’Brien answer Winston’s question about what it is or what is in there: instead, he has O’Brien enigmatically reply that Winston knows what it contains, but the reader remains uncertain.

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