Animal Farm by George Orwell Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Nine




During the Battle of the Windmill, Boxer had suffered several injuries the most serious of which was a split hoof. Whilst many of the animals had tried to persuade him to take it easier, the horse would have none of it and started work again as soon as he could. At eleven years old, Boxer knew that he was under one year away from retirement yet he had one more ambition to achieve before this date. What did Boxer want to achieve before retiring?

Boxer wanted to see that the new windmill was well under way before he retired.



Never talking about a rations ‘reduction’ but only a rations ‘readjustment’, Squealer explained to the animals that they would now have less food than previously though still, he claimed, more than they had enjoyed under Jones. Why, however, did Squealer claim that the ration reduction would not be proportional across the animal population but rather it would affect the Pigs and the dogs less than the others?

Squealer explained that ‘too rigid an equality in rations would have been contrary to the principles of Animalism’. Even though this didn’t seem very plausible, the other animals all believed him and tried to get used to frequently going to bed both hungry and cold.



In addition to the shortage of food, extra mouths to feed also contributed to the lack of food. Where had the numbers increased the most dramatically?

The four sows had collectively given birth to thirty one young pigs. As Napoleon was the only male pig in the farm, it was easy enough to work out who their father was.



Were these young pigs encouraged to mingle with the other animals?

No. Napoleon instructed the animals in the kitchen and planned to build them a separate school building for their further education. The young pigs also exercised alone, and were encouraged to remain aloof from the other animals.



As the winter rolled in, two new rules were introduced concerning the pigs. What were these two new rules?

There were two new rules concerning the pigs introduced by Napoleon at this time. The first of these was that if an animal encountered a pig on a path, the animal should stand aside and let the pig pass. The second rule was that pigs were allowed to wear a green ribbon on their tails on Sundays.



Whilst many were going hungry and cold, some of the animals noticed that the pigs didn’t seem to be suffering too badly. In fact they seemed to be putting on a little weight. One evening the animals of Animal Farm were excited to smell cooking barley and they wondered if they were going to be rewarded with a warm mash for their dinner. Sadly for them this didn’t materialise but a few days later they learned that the pigs now had an additional food ration. What was this?

The pigs were now receiving a pint of beer daily with the exception of Napoleon, who received half a gallon.



The hardships endured by the animals were at least partially offset by an increase in the number of ceremonies, speeches, songs and speeches they enjoyed. Among these ceremonies, the weekly ‘Spontaneous Demonstration’ was a popular affair. Arranged to celebrate the struggles and victories of Animal Farm, the ceremony was attended by all of the animals who were rigidly organised into a set order. What did Boxer and Clover always carry when they attended these demonstrations?

Clover and Boxer always carried a green banner which was marked by the white horn and hoof. In addition this banner also carried the caption: ‘Long Live Comrade Napoleon’.



As the year wore on, Animal Farm was declared a republic and it became necessary to elect a president. How many candidates stood for this position?

There was only one candidate who offered himself for election: Napoleon.



In the middle of the summer the animals were greeted by an old resident. Who returned to Animal Farm? How did the Pigs react to the reappearance of this animal?

Moses, the raven, retuned to Animal Farm and started to tell all of the Animals about Sugar Candy Mountain, just as he had always done in Mr Jones’s day. The pigs displayed a strange attitude towards Moses. Whilst they publicly renounced his stories, they allowed him to stay in Animal Farm without doing any work and they even provided him with a ration of a gill of beer a day. 



Once his hoof had sufficiently healed, Boxer worked harder than ever. Even though he was growing older and was no longer as powerful and strong as he once was, he never the less carried on working all the hours he could. Determined to get as much work done on the windmill before he retired, Boxer continued to work like a young horse until one day he suffered a terrible accident and couldn’t get up after a fall.


All of the animals attended to Boxer who was universally loved and Napoleon sent out word that the horse would be taken to the town to be looked after at a hospital. When the van arrived to transport Boxer away, Benjamin raised the alarm by telling the animals what was written on the side of the van into which Boxer had been loaded. What was written on the side of the van?

Benjamin, who never interfered with the running of the farm, alerted his fellow animals to what was written on the side of the van: ‘Alfred Simmonds, horse slaughterer and Glue boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. Kennels Supplied.’



The animals tried to alert Boxer to what was written on the side of the van but the old horse no longer had the strength to escape the trap and the van soon vanished from Animal Farm, never to be seen again. Three days later, Squealer appeared before the animals to inform them about Boxer’s fate. What did he tell the animals had happened to the horse and what, according to the pig, were Boxer’s last words?

Squealer told the animals that Boxer had died in the hospital in Willingdon, despite the fact that he had received every medical attention available. According to Squealer, Boxer’s last words were: ‘Forward in the name of the Rebellion. Long Live Animal Farm! Long Live Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right’.



The following Sunday, Napoleon addressed the animals on the subject of Boxer. He spoke at length about how loyal and honourable Boxer was before reminding all of the animals of Boxer’s two maxims: ‘I will work harder’ and ‘Napoleon is always right’. These, the pig told the animals, were maxims which they would all do well to adopt. Finally Napoleon told the animals that the pigs would mark Boxer’s passing. How did he tell the animals this would be done?

Napoleon told the animals that the pigs would mark Boxer’s death by hosting a banquet in his honour.



What did a grocery van deliver to the pigs to help them commemorate Boxer’s life?

The grocery van delivered a large wooden crate of whisky to help the pigs commemorate Boxer’s life. Where they got the money to buy the crate remained a mystery.

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