【英文 Paper 2】A Letter to the Editor 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips
DSE 英文 Paper 2 – 寫 A Letter to the Editor 要注意什麼?
- Know your audience
- Get the greeting right
- Refer back
- Say who you are
- Use topic sentences
- Choose interesting examples
- Show why the opposite view is wrong
- Keep it formal
- Learn how to agree / disagree
- Use adverbs
DSE 英文作文體材 – A letter to the editor 題目 1-5
- In a recent edition of the SCMP a journalist argued that the school holidays should be made shorter to allow students greater opportunities to learn and to help parents who struggle to take time of work. Write a letter to the editor giving your opinion on this issue.
- Your school newspaper has just launched a ‘gossip column’ in which it prints some stories from the personal lives of staff and students. Write a letter to the editor of the magazine, expressing your concern about this development.
- A recent editorial in the Hong Kong Express argued that the voting age should be raised to 21. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper expressing your views.
- An article in your local paper seemed to present a negative view of Hong Kong, calling it a ‘cultural desert’ and claiming that residents were ‘becoming more and more selfish’. Write a letter to the editor of the paper to disagree with this assessment.
DSE 英文作文體材 – A letter to the editor 題目 6-10
- Recent events around the world have convinced you that global warming is a serious problem. Write a letter to the editor of the SCMP explaining what steps the Hong Kong government need to take to highlight and solve the problem.
- Your local newspaper recently published a piece of photojournalism about the experience of living in a cage home. Write a letter to the editor of the paper to congratulate him on running the piece and explain why you think this is not an issue society should ignore.
- Your school newspaper recently published a column that argued that school uniforms ‘promote uniformity and crush creativity’. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper to express your views on the subject.
- You are concerned about the amount of household waste that is produced in Hong Kong. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Express saying why you think the problem is serious and what should be done about it.
DSE 英文作文 A letter to the editor 實用開頭句子
- I am writing in response to …’s article, published in last week’s edition of your paper
- Your readers will not have failed to notice that recent events in … have been in the news lately
- I read with interest your editorial, which claimed that…
- The issue of … has been in the news lately
- It seems that … is a growing trend among [teenagers].
DSE 英文作文 A letter to the editor 如何表達同意和不同意看法?
- I could not agree (/disagree) with your journalist more…
- I question whether…
- I think your journalist has overlooked…
- There’s some truth to the argument that…
- I wholeheartedly applaud x’s efforts to…