【DSE 英文】Report 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

【DSE 英文】Report 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

DSE 英文 Paper 2 – 寫 Report 要注意什麼?

  1. Don’t forget the title
  2. Use the passive voice
  3. Refer to statistics
  4. Use reported speech
  5. Use neutral language
  6. Use headings
  7. Make suggestions
  8. Keep it relevant
  9. Sum it up
  10. It’s not a letter

DSE 英文作文體材 – Report 題目 1-5

      • Your head teacher is concerned that some students in form 6 are not enjoying life at school. He has asked you to conduct a questionnaire among your classmates for the reasons for this, along with any areas they think could be improved. He has asked you to summarise your findings in a report.  Write the report.
      • You were recently involved in your school’s annual play. In order to give students a better idea of what’s involved in a school production, your drama teacher has asked you to write a report on your experience which will be given to future students who are interested in taking part.
      • As part of your social studies class, you have conducted interviews with members of the public about how they use transport and what they think could be improved about the transport infrastructure of Hong Kong. Summarise your findings in a report.
      • Last week you saw a classmate being verbally and physically assaulted. Your head of year has asked you to write a report on the incident for his records and to allow him to determine what further steps should be taken.
      • You currently present a weekly show on your school radio channel. This week you want to talk about the positives and negatives of the internet.  To prepare for your show, write a report on some of the things you have observed about the internet.

DSE 英文作文體材 – Report 題目 6-10

    • Last week you undertook a work experience placement at a local hospital. Write a report about your experience including how you arranged it and the positives and negatives of your time there.
    • Your school is currently considering whether to make the school day longer for form 5 and 6 students to enable them to have more opportunity to study. You have conducted a questionnaire among your classmates about the plan and have decided to summarise the results in a report for your head teacher.  Write the report.
    • You think that your school does not pay enough attention to mental health issues. To convince your teacher that more education is needed in this area, you have undertaken to write a report of the issues concerned and how much students already know about these matters. Write the report.
    • Although the newspapers like to report on crime, you believe that the positive face of society is underrepresented in the media. Write a report about some of the positive actions or trends you have observed in society recently.
    • Your school is organising a healthy eating contest. To prepare for the event, you have decided to survey students about their eating habits at present and what steps they would like to take to eat more healthily.  Write the report.

DSE 英文作文 Report 實用開頭句子

    • This report concerns a survey that was carried out…
    • In this report, light will be shed on…
    • The purpose of this report is to…

DSE 英文作文 Report 實用結尾句子

    • In summary, we can see that…
    • In conclusion…
    • The findings of this report are incontrovertible.
    • This report has clearly demonstrated…
    • This report has clearly shown…
    • It is hard to avoid the conclusion that

【DSE 英文】其他作文格式

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