Either…or… and Neither…nor…

Either…or… and Neither…nor…

Either…or… and Neither…nor…


Are the following sentences grammatically correct?  If not, please find out the mistakes.

1. After work, I will either watch TV or play computer games.

2. I will not neither talk nor play with her.

3. I will call either my mum or write to her.



1. After work, I will either watch TV or play computer games. (correct)

2. I will not neither talk nor play with her.

3. I will call either call my mum or write to her.

錄影1 - Either...or... and Neither...nor...
Either...or... and Neither...nor... 練習
Either...or... and Neither...nor... 練習答案
Adjectives (Expressing feeling)

Adjectives (Expressing feeling)

Adjectives (Expressing Feeling)


Are the following sentences grammatically correct?  If not, please find out the mistakes.

1. The park has been rebuilt. The residents are delighted of its new facilities.

2. My sister is upset with the exam results.

3. I am ashamed about my pimples.



1. The park has been rebuilt. The residents are delighted of with its new facilities.

2. My sister is upset with about the exam results.

3. I am ashamed about of my pimples.

錄影1 - Adjectives (Expressing Feeling)
Adjectives (Expressing Feeling) 練習
Adjectives (Expressing Feeling) 練習答案
Connective/Conjunction 2

Connective/Conjunction 2

 英文連接詞 Connectives 2


Are the following sentences grammatically correct?  If not, please find out the mistakes.

1. Bobby’s presentation was too short. On the other hand, it did not include much information.

2.  Although I tried my best, but I still failed in this exam.

你能找出錯處嗎? (Answers)


1. Bobby’s presentation was too short. On the other hand Moreover, it did not include much information.

2.  Although I tried my best, but I still failed in this exam.

錄影1 - 表示讓步關係的英文連接詞 Connectives connecting contrasting ideas
錄影2 - 表示並列關係的英文連接詞 Connectives introducing more info
錄影3 - 表示結果的英文連接詞 Connectives introducing results
錄影4 - 用英文連接詞的常犯錯誤 Common Errors in using Connectives
Connectives 綜合練習
Connectives 綜合練習答案

Present Continuous and Past Continuous

Present Continuous and Past Continuous

Present Continuous and Past Continuous


Are the following sentences grammatically correct?  If not, please find out the mistakes.

1. You wasn’t trying very hard.

2. I was having dinner when the phone rang.

3. I was studying Japanese when I was at primary school.



1. You weren’t trying very hard.

2. I was having dinner when the phone rang. (Correct)

3. I studied Japanese when I was at primary school.

Present Continuous and Past Continuous 課堂筆記
Present Continuous and Past Continuous 課堂練習
Present Continuous and Past Continuous 課堂練習答案
錄影1 - Present Continuous
錄影2 - Past Continuous
錄影3 - Present Continuous vs Past Continuous
Present Continuous 練習
Present Continuous 練習答案
Past Continuous 練習
Past Continuous 練習答案

Relative Pronouns 1

Relative Pronouns


Are the following sentences grammatically correct?  If not, please find out the mistakes.

1. This is the cafe which we met my husband.

2. This is the girl who I bought the ticket with.

3. There isn’t a day when I don’t feel nervious.



1. This is the cafe where we met my husband.

2. This is the girl whom I bought the ticket with.

3. There isn’t a day when I don’t feel nervious. (correct)

錄影1 - Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns 練習
Relative Pronouns 練習答案

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