10 Tips How to write a blog entry

10 Tips How to write a Blog Entry




1.  Keep it personal

Blogs are personal documents.  Of course, you may be asked to write a blog on behalf of a company, but usually they’re yours.  It’s good to talk about your life and your experiences.  Use the pronoun “I” to do this.

I’d never been to the theatre before, so you can imagine how excited I was.  And I have to say that it didn’t disappoint!

2.  Think of it like a conversation

Blogs aren’t lectures.  They’re written to readers, many of whom you know personally. Others get to know you as they read your blog week after week.  Address them directly by using “you”.  They may also reply to your blog post, so in this sense it’s even more like a conversation. 

So if you’ve been following my blog for a long time, you’ll know that one of the things I like to talk about is classical music.

3.  Give it a title 

A good, eye-catching title will make readers want to stay on your blog and not close the tab or go to Facebook.

Can exams be fun?

4.  Refer to other blog posts

The ‘blogosphere’ is a community.  You read other people’s blogs and they read yours.  So you could talk about other blog posts you’ve read, or refer back to blog posts you have made previously. 

I recently read a post on another blog I follow by Pete Kwok about the same issue, but on this issue I disagree with him.

5.  Use an informal tone

Blogs are not essays.  They should be written in a friendly and disarming manner.  Using phrasal verbs, colloquialisms and informal connectors (e.g. “well”, “anyway”) will help to create this tone. 

Anyway, I think I’ve written too much already, so I’d best let you get back to your studies.  Speaking of which, I guess I should go and study too!

6.  Don’t use abbreviating words

This is just too informal.  You’re writing an exam, not sending a text message to your friends!  Use standard spelling and punctuation unless you have a really, really good reason not to.


Remember to avoid abbreviating words such as “gotta” or “wanna”



7.  Use humour

Adding a joke or humorous aside here or there will help your reader to stay tuned.

The bus got really wet when it started raining.  I felt like it was the Titanic on wheels! 

8.  Use contractions

Again, remember that your blog is an informal document, so it’s OK to say “I’ll” or “it’d”.  But don’t go as far as gonna

Today I’d like to talk about some of the issues facing young children in Hong Kong.

9.  Invite your reader to follow your blog 

At the end of your blog, tell your readers that they will get more information, or another interesting story, in your next blog post. 

I’ll have more to say about my adventures in Australia in my next post.  So stay tuned! 

10. Keep your ending short and memorable

Remember that it is not an essay and you should not end your blog with ‘in summary’ or ‘to sum up’ that type of formal phrases.  Make it light and easy and use an informal way to end your blog. 

Taikyu is still with us at the moment.  If you see him around school – why not say hi?  In English, of course. 


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