Useful Phrases – Speech Writing

Useful Phrases – Speech Writing

10 Tips Series – Speech Writing

Useful Phrases


·       Before we begin I’d like to ask you a question…

·       Did you know that…

·       I’d like to ask for a show of hands…

·       Put up your hand if you’ve ever…

·       I’d like to start by sharing a story that happened to me personally…



·       What do I mean by the term ‘gravitational pull’?

·       Now I’ve summarised the benefits of…, let me move on to talk about…

·       Let me put that another way…


Connecting ideas

·       First of all, let me say….

·       As if that wasn’t enough…

·       Allow me to elaborate

·       The next point I’d like to make is closely linked to the first

·       One of the reasons I support … is because…

·       I know I’ve spoken a lot today, but just indulge me in one final point.

Persuasive techniques

·       What we have witnessed in recent years is notrenewal but stagnation

·       The problems facing our society are serious, destabilising and escalating

·       Our country is being ravaged by disease


Giving examples

·       We need look no further than … to see the disastrous results of government policy

·       I know this because we recently saw…

·       … serves as proof of my contention here. 

·       The example of … should be enough to convince us of this point

·       …’s story is a cautionary tale



·       If you remember nothing else, remember this…

·       Let me leave you with a question

·       Can you remember that at the start of the speech I mentioned… 

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