劉昱岑 Eunice Liu 協恩中學畢業 香港科技大學修讀 Quantitative Finance

Miss Chiu:
我覺得最後我Paper3有5*全靠study leave的時候你一份一份地跟我講,我才突然“叮”了一下,明白Integrated是怎麼做的!!!我真的很感謝您兩年來的教導,雖然我總是煩您,但您每次都額外抽時間教我!!!超級感謝的~我現在還是偶爾偷用你account看Netflix看書啊~ 我覺得要是我從小就看英文書的話,我英文會自然好多 >< T^T 然後,意見的話,我覺得要早點發最後那本Integrated的書!然後,平時(F.4、 5)多一些學習資源。 嘿嘿~Miss Chiu您是老師裡面最漂亮最時尚的!!! (btw我大部分時候還是很怕您的) 不盡感激!!!!!!!!!

Lee Wasin St. Joseph’s College 畢業 香港科技大學修讀電腦科學

Dear Ms. Chiu,
Don’t wanna write in English because there will be tons of grammatical mistake but since my Chinese is not good anyway, who cares! It’s been a while since I leave here and join university. To be honest, I am so happy that I am able to leave the “hell” but since it’s about “happy memories”, yeah! I thought the biggest moment in Peak is the “DSE” period. Everyone is so tensed that a single mistake could be a fatal one, really fatal. Well, these experiences are one of the things which shape me to be who I am now so I can’t complain. Too many words to say but all the best Ms. Chiu. P.S. The environment, atmosphere and you never change. (You know what I mean 



Hilda Ma 庇理羅士女子中學畢業 香港中文大學修讀 IBBA

Ms. Chiu:
雖然我好似中三開始補緊,但基於青春期反叛又成日都冇出現。我自己係一個好懶嘅人,又懶得做功課又懶得睇書,個心真係好想但真係行動唔到。去到中五發現自己喺學校嘅成績有退步嘅跡象,加上自己英文老師一向憑直覺比predicted grade,我就信唔過佢,馬上揾Ms Chiu急救,Ms Chiu對於我呢個懶到出汁嘅學生固然又愛又恨,好彩我又中意仲專登成日揾Ms Chiu比佢閙,先熬出個5*。好多謝Ms Chiu一直對我不離不棄,雖然喺哩度嘅日子有血有汗有淚水,但都會每次比Ms Chiu讚嗰時好開心!好記得Ms Chiu有個Kindle account比學生睇書,雖然我好似未成功睇過一本完整嘅書,但都好感激Ms Chiu提供嘅無限資源同support。大家一定要聽Ms Chiu話,比佢閙多幾次就會唔忿氣考得好架喇!希望篇文會做model essay比大家睇到喇。加油!

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