【Invitation letter for event 1】DSE Letter of Invitation 格式

【Invitation letter for event 1】DSE Letter of Invitation 格式

【Invitation letter for event】 – 寫 Letter of Invitation 要注意什麼?

Paragraph 1: Why are you writing this letter?

Paragraph 2: Why do you have this activity? Why do you think he/she is the right person?

Paragraph 3: What are the details of the event? (date/time/venue) What do you want the person to do?

Paragraph 4: Who should the person contact if he/she has any any questions? How can he/she contact the person?

【Invitation letter for event】DSE 英文作文體材 – Letter of Invitation 題目 1-5

  1. Your name is Chris Wong and you are President of the Debating Society. The Society has decided to invite a controversial speaker, who is supporting the motion to have size zero models in magazines. The society decided to invite Ms. Sandy Lui, who is the editor of Vogue.  You would like to invite Ms Lui to come to one of the lunchtime debates in June (7th,14th,21st, 28th) if she is available. Write a polite letter of invitation to Ms Lui.’
  2. Your name is Chris Wong and you are the Careers Secretary for the Law Society. You have decided to invite some speakers to the next Careers event. Write a letter of invitation to Mr Lui, who is the Managing Partner at a global Law firm. Ask him to give a talk at your school. Describe the purpose and details of the talk. Include two aspects of his job that you particularly think students will have an interest in and explain why. Include a subject line in your letter.
  3. At last week’s Business Club meeting, a student suggested inviting Laura Chan, a motivational speaker to give a talk about starting up your own business in the face of adversity. You are the secretary of the Business Club. Write a letter to Laura Chan, asking her to give a talk at your school. Describe what students hope to gain from the talk and why she has been invited. Ask her to talk about her struggle to make it where she is today and what motivates her. Include a subject line in your letter. Sign your name “Chris Wong.”
  4. You are the president of the Economics and Finance Society. The Society has decided to hold a ball and want to have certain key members from the Economics field to attend and say a few words.  You would like to invite Mr Lui, the head of Credit Risk at a global Invesment Bank, to come to the ball on July 1st if he is available. Mr Lui was the youngest man in the history of the bank to make it as a head of a division. He is exceptionally bright and happens to be a school alumni. Write a polite letter of invitation to Mr Lui. Sign your name “Laura Chan.”
  5. You are a student at Peak Courses School. The teacher has asked you to organise an assembly, encouraging students to attend university. You think that it’ll be a good idea to invite the Dean of HKU to attend the assembly and to give a talk on the benefits of attending university. Write a letter to the Dean of HKU inviting him to give a talk at your school. Describe the purpose and details  of the talk. Include TWO benefits that you really want him to talk about. Discuss why you think some students might need some encouragement. Include a subject line in your letter. Sign your name “Chris Wong.”

【Invitation letter for event】DSE 英文作文體材 – Letter of Invitation 題目 6-10

  1. Your name is Chris Wong and you are President of the Debating Society. The Society has decided to hold a debate concerning whether or not images should be used on cigarette packaging to deter smokers. You would like to invite Mr James Chan, who is a renowned research scientist into the effects of smoking and what people can do to prevent it. His thesis on photographic images was widely acclaimed. Write a polite letter of invitation to Mr Chan. Explain the purpose of the debate and ask him to talk in detail about two benefits that you have read in his articles.
  2. Your name is Chris Wong and you have been told to organise an event raising awareness of the pitfalls of drug abuse. You think it would be a good idea to invite an ex-offender to give a talk on the harmful effects of drug abuse. Write a polite letter of invitation to Mr James Chan, an ex-offender. Explain the purpose and details of the talk. Include TWO aspects of drug abuse that you think students should be made aware of. Include a subject line in your letter.
  3. Your name is Chris Wong and you are a member of the local football club. Recently, there has been talks to build over your football pitches. You think it would be a good idea to ignite some local support for keeping your football pitches as they are. You want to invite a local football star, Mr Benjamin Chan, who used to use these football pitches. Explain the purpose and details of the talk. Include TWO features of these pitches that mean a lot to you. Include a subject line in your letter.
  4. Your name is Laura Chan and you are the secretary of the Music Club at your school. At last week’s meeting, the club decided to hold a charity event to raise money for those less fortunate.  You think that it would be a good idea if a local musician could attend. Write a polite letter of invitation to the singer, Ray Wong. Describe the purpose and details of the event. Tell him about your experiences helping less privileged people and how you think that he can help your event. Include a subject line in your letter. 
  5. You are the president of the Future Doctors Club. Next week you are holding an event where students interested in Medicine can find out more about a career in Medicine.

    Write a polite letter of invitation to Mr Timothy Wong, a leading surgeon at the local hospital. Describe the purpose and details of the event. Include TWO topics about is job that you think that prospective students will be interested in. Include a subject line in your letter. SIgn your letter “Laura Chan.”

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