IELTS Book 5 Test 4 Task 1 Writing Band 9 pdf 1

IELTS 5 Writing Model Essay (Free sample)

Test 4 Task 1 Question

Write about the following topic:

Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Test 4 Task 1 Model Essay by an Expert One

Censorship of artists is a very controversial topic these days. While many agree that art is better without the rules and interferences of the government, many also feel that certain types of artistic expression can damage society and have a negative impact on its youngest members. In this essay I will argue that though we cannot say a government should never impose restrictions, these restrictions should only limit artist’s freedom in extreme cases.

Take for instance the case of the celebrated Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. Ai Weiwei was arrested in 2011 for criticizing the government, and promoting protests in Chinese cities. Many artists felt that Ai Weiwei’s arrest was a problem to do with human rights, and an international campaign was created to demand Weiwei’s release from prison. Weiwei should not have been put in prison simply for being critical of the government, or encouraging others to be critical. One cannot say that criticizing the government has a negative impact on a society. Often a government needs to hear what the public thinks of its policies, and creative artists have an important role to play in that regard.

The question remains: when can we say that a government is allowed to create restrictions? Writing or images that encourage hatred between individuals present us with a different picture. Regardless of our belief in the freedom of expression, governments are correct to get involved where people are made victims. In other cases, works of art can set negative models of behavior which can lead to violence. Many believe that these cases are very clear. But even this is very difficult. The famous Irish novel Ulysses was banned in the United States when it was published at the beginning of the twentieth century, because it was considered to unsuitable. It is now considered to be a classic work of literature. This shows that public opinions change and that even works considered inappropriate may have a great deal of artistic value. Even in cases where we feel certain that a work of art is bad for society, not everyone will agree.

Though I have presented cases where government restriction is wrong and even presents human rights issues, we must also not forget that sometimes the government is right to get involved. Deciding each case is an extremely difficult task, and more often than not the answer is to let artists express themselves freely. In some extreme cases however, governments must risk the consequences of allowing censorship in order to prevent negative social influences, like the promotion of hatred and violence.

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IELTS Book 5 Test 4 Task 1 Writing Band 9 pdf2

IELTS 5 Writing Model Essay (Free sample)

Test 4 Task 1 Question

Write about the following topic:

Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Test 4 Task 1 Model Essay by an Expert Two

Freedom of expression is a crucially important human right. For this reason, I fundamentally agree that artists should be able to express their ideas however they want. However, I also acknowledge that the expression of certain notions should be banned, even in art.

On the whole, I have a fairly liberal view towards freedom of creative expression. I find the notion of governmental control of thoughts and ideas uncomfortably Orwellian; that is, it is characteristic of a totalitarian state, which attempts to control its citizens absolutely. In places such as North Korea, where freedom of individual expression is severely limited, it is illegal to express any opinion which criticises the regime or leadership of the country. Artistic expression that touches on any politics other than adulation of the political leader is strictly forbidden. This is evidence of a regime in which the citizens’ human right to freedom of thought and expression is restricted, to devastating effect.

On the other hand, there are also ideas which I believe should not be expressed through the medium of art. Art can be extremely influential, even encouraging people to act in certain ways. So if, for example, a film or picture incites hatred or violence, there should be governmental restrictions on this type of ‘art’. In other words, artists have some responsibility for how their work is received and how their work might affect others. If their so-called artwork encourages people to commit serious crimes and harm others, it should be banned.

Artists should certainly have the right to express their views and ideas through their work, even if their ideas are abhorrent to me personally. This is to protect society’s right to freedom of expression. However, if the work explicitly incites criminal activity and violence, the government should be able to restrict such art.

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IELTS Book 5 Test 4 Task 1 Writing Band 9 pdf1

IELTS 5 Writing Model Essay (Free sample)

Test 4 Task 1 Question

The table below give information about the underground railway systems in six cities.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Test 4 Task 1 Model Essay by an Expert Three

The table displays the opening dates, the length and the number of passengers per year for a number of underground railways. The oldest and longest railway system is in London; it is the oldest by almost 40 years, and at 394km, it is almost double the length of the second-longest system, which is in Paris. The youngest underground railway was opened in 2001 in Los Angeles. This system does not, however, have the shortest route or the fewest customers; Kyoto has an underground railway system of just 11km, with a relatively low 45 million passengers each year

The most popular railway system, by over 700 million passengers, is Tokyo, which carries a staggering 1,927 million people each year. Tokyo’s underground system is also under the most pressure, with a yearly rate of 12.4 million passengers per kilometre of route. The system under the least pressure is in Washington DC, where 144 million passengers travel on 126km of railway each year. That’s only 1.14 million passengers per kilometre.

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IELTS Book 5 Test 3 Task 2 Writing Band 9 pdf2

IELTS 5 Writing Model Essay (Free sample)

Test 3 Task 2 Question

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Test 3 Task 2 Model Essay by an Expert 2

Should children be encouraged to be competitive or co-operative? There is a place for both traits in the adult world. Having a competitive nature often helps children to get ahead in life, whereas valuing co-operation allows them to develop productive relationships.

Some parents and teachers hold the view that a sense of competition should be fostered in children. Certainly, being competitive gives children hunger and drive to succeed, which is necessary in certain careers. To be a lawyer or businessperson, for example, people have to be ambitious and confident in their own abilities. In this case, being encouraged to be competitive as a child is useful preparation for adult life. However, there are serious downsides to being over-competitive, such as having a poor reaction to failure, and prioritising personal gain over the collective good.

In this sense, co-operation is a more positive trait, as it teaches children how to work productively and effectively with others. Almost every element of adult life involves relationships with others, in both personal and professional spheres. Adults must work together for the good of their family, for example, and most jobs involve some kind of teamwork. To become a well-rounded and ‘useful’ adult, children must learn the importance of working with others towards a collective goal. On the other hand, children who are taught only to co-operate may lack confidence in their own individual abilities, which might hold them back later in life.

Essentially, children need to be taught a healthy balance of both competitiveness and co-operation, since both skills are necessary for success later in life. Children not only need to develop both traits, but they also need to recognise when they should prioritise their own needs and when they should act co-operatively with others.

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IELTS Book 5 Test 3 Task 2 Writing Band 9 pdf1

IELTS 5 Writing Model Essay (Free sample)

Test 3 Task 2 Question

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Test 3 Task 2 Model Essay by an Expert 1

Everyone remembers that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling they had when they took part in their first competition, whether it was in sport, in music, or in school. For many, the feeling does not go away even when they become adults. Some believe that because competition is a necessary part of life, children should be encouraged to take part in competitive activities early on. The present essay will consider this perspective, but at the same time will aim to demonstrate that children should be taught about the value of co-operation – a principle which creates happier, more productive, and more able adults.

There are more types of competition for children now than ever before. The spelling test used to be just a classroom exercise – now, in the United States, there is a celebrated National Spelling Bee for which the first prize is $30 000! The organizers of this and other competitions stress the competition’s part in encouraging excellence. While this cannot be denied, it is only part of the picture. When every activity a child might do is judged in competition, a child’s sense of self-worth is decided by his or her ranking. Though excellence is important, it is clear that self-esteem is more important. Moreover, a competitive situation discourages students who do not achieve top results from developing their abilities. The value of competition can replace the value of doing something for its own sake. To teach children self-worth and a love of learning, some other principle is required.

More and more, teachers and coaches of children stress the value of co-operation and teamwork. Co-operation in the classroom or on the team teaches skills that simply cannot be learned in competition. In such settings, children learn how to communicate with one another effectively, and bring their skills together to accomplish a task. Instead of focusing on competitive activities, organizations for youth and children like the Scouts or Brownies ask for personal development and allow children to learn from one another in pursing that goal. This co-operation does not simply create stronger friendships, it teaches skills that future adults will need to know in the work environment.

In examining these values side-by-side, competition appears both unhealthy and unproductive. In valuing co-operation, we do not simply look after children’s emotional needs better, we also teach skills of self-development and communication that are necessary in adult life.

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IELTS Book 5 Test 2 Task 2 Writing Band 9 pdf

IELTS 5 Writing Model Essay (Free sample)

Test 2 Task 2 Question

The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words. 


Test 2 Task 2 Model Essay by an Expert 

The first bar chart compares the motivations for study – either for career development or for personal interest – across different age groups. According to the chart, as age increases, a higher percentage of students choose to study primarily for the sake of interest. Percentages of students studying for their career show an inverse pattern, with the vast majority of under 26 year-olds (80%) engaging in study to develop their career. This is reflected in the amount of employer support enjoyed by the under 26 age group, who received the most time off and financial assistance amongst all of the age groups.

Students in their thirties obtain the least support from their employers, receiving half the percentage support than the youngest age group. This is despite the fact that roughly 30% more of this age group study for their career than study for personal interest. Amongst the five age groups, those aged over 49 receive the third most support from their employers, despite a large majority of them studying for interest rather than to develop their career.

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