Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 24

Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 24

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Twenty-Four (Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom)

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR – The Fourteenth Tuesday We Say Good-bye.
118 181 The day before the pair’s fourteenth Tuesday together, what did Charlotte phone Albom to tell him? Before their fourteenth Tuesday together, Charlotte phoned Albom to tell him that ‘Morrie wasn’t doing well’. Albom correctly interpreted this message to mean that Morrie had now reached his final days.
119 182 When Albom arrived to see Morrie, he was forced to wait sometime alone. Why was this? Albom was forced to wait sometime alone because, highly uncharacteristically, Morrie was still asleep when he arrived to see him.
120 184 When Albom was finally told that he could see Morrie, he discovered that he was still in bed and unshaven. Albom realised with horror that it was time to say goodbye to his dear friend, however he couldn’t think of a way to do it. Albom pre-empted this. How did he say good-bye? Morrie told Albom that the way ‘we say good-bye’ is by saying ‘I love you’.

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Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 25

Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 25

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Twenty-Five (Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom)

121 187 With the end near, Morrie’s entire family gathered around him before he died on the fourth of November. Despite their best attempts, Morrie died at a moment when the entire family was out of the room. Albom believes that Morrie did this deliberately. Why did he think this? Albom believed that Morrie waited for the moment when he was all alone to die deliberately because he did not want anyone to witness the event and be haunted in the same way that he was after his mother’s death.
122 188 The funeral was held on a damp and windy morning in front of a small select group of well wishes despite many more wanting to attend. After the funeral, Albom tried to hold a conversation with Morrie in his head in the way in which his old friend had wanted. Albom found it remarkably natural before noticing something which explained this. What did Albom notice? Albom noticed that it was a Tuesday, which accounted for how natural their conversation was.

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Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 26

Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 26

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Twenty-Six (Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom)

123 190 Of the very many things which Albom learned from Morrie, what was perhaps the most clear? The clearest lesson which Morrie taught Albom was that ‘there is no such thing as “too late”’. This was made clear by Morrie in his own life as he was evolving and changing right until the end.
124 191 Not long after the funeral, Albom managed to get in contact with David, his brother in Spain. He clearly explained to his brother that he wanted contact because he loved him. How did David respond to this? David responded very positively by sending him a fax a few days later, relating his condition and how he was.
125 191 Morrie and Albom conceived the idea of their ‘final thesis, Tuesday’s With Morrie together. Both were delighted when a number of publishers approached the pair. What did the publisher’s advance contribute towards? The publisher’s advance contributed towards Morrie’s ‘enormous hospital bills’.

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Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 03

Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 03

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Three (Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom)

16 14 After leaving university, Albom had lost contact with Morrie as well as most other people he had studied with. Why did he travel to New York and what did he do there? Albom travelled to New York where he hoped to become a famous Musician. He played Piano in several bands but ultimately wasn’t very successful.
17 14 Whilst he was living in New York, Albom had his first ‘serious encounter with death’. What was this? Albom’s first serious encounter with death was when his uncle, who lived in an apartment just above his own, died at the age of forty-four. Albom had always looked up to the man so it was especially hard for him to come to terms with.
18 15 Albom’s first encounter with death had a serious impact upon him. What was this? As a result of his uncle’s death, Albom became much more aware of his own mortality. As a consequence he decided that he would no longer waste his time trying to become a famous musician and instead earned a master’s degree in journalism and started working long hours as a sport’s journalist.
19 16 Albom moved from New York to Detroit where he bought his first house and met his wife. What was the name of Albom’s wife and how long did they date before marrying? Albom met a woman named Janine and, after a seven year courtship, the two married

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Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 04

Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 04

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Four (Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom)

CHAPTER FOUR – The Audiovisual
20 18 Albom tells his readers that he had lost contact with Morrie and did not know about his illness. How did he find out about it? Albom discovered about his former professor’s illness when it was featured on ‘Nightline’, a weekly television show hosted by Ted Koppel on ABC-TV.
21 20 Before agreeing to be featured on ‘Nightline’, Morrie insisted upon asking Ted Koppel, the show’s presenter, two questions. What were these? Morrie asked Koppel two questions before agreeing to be featured on Nightline. The first of these was ‘Tell me something close to your heart’. The second was ‘Tell me something about your faith’.
22 21 How many times had Albom seen ‘Nightline’ before agreeing to feature on the show, and what opinion had he formed of the show’s host, Koppel? Albom had only seen the show twice. Based on these occasions he had thought that Koppel, the show’s host, was a narcissist.
23 21 During the interview for ‘Nightline’, Morrie told Koppel that he had decided to live through the disease in the best way that he could. What characterised how Morrie tried to live what remained of his life? Four things characterised how Morrie tried to live with the illness: dignity, courage, humour composure.
24 22 During the interview, the two discussed many different topics. One of these topics was Morrie’s increased dependency on other people. At this point, Morrie felt the need to ask Koppel’s permission before revealing a fact to the camera. Despite the potentially shocking nature of what Morrie had to say, Koppel gave him permission. What was this fact? Morrie told the audience of Nightline that ‘one day soon, someone’s gonna have to wipe my ass’.

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Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 05

Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom Chapter 05

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Five (Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom)

CHAPTER FIVE – The Orientation
25 27 Inspired by this interview, which Albom had seen when it was broadcast on television, Albom decided to pay Morrie a visit. What fact about his reunion with his former professor was Albom ‘not proud of’? Albom was not proud of putting his work first on his reunion with his former professor. When he arrived at Morrie’s house, he decided to conclude a business call rather than leaping straight out of the car and greeting his former professor.
26 28 When Albom and Morrie finally met again, they shared an emotional reunion. However Albom felt uncomfortable. Why was this? Albom felt uncomfortable with the warmth of their reunion because he knew that he ‘was no longer the good, gift-bearing student he remembered’.
27 30 During the years in which Albom was taught by Morrie, the professor had shown himself to be uninterested in grades and marking and, it was rumoured, during the Vietnam war Morrie had given all of his male students ‘As’. Why had he done this? It was rumoured that Morrie had given all of his male students ‘As’ during the Vietnam War so that they could keep their student deferments and thus not be conscripted into the army.
28 30-31 What nickname did Albom give Morrie, and how did his professor react to this? Albom began to call Morrie ‘coach’, in the same way that he did his track coach. Morrie was delighted with this nick name and told Albom that ‘I’ll be your coach. And you can be my Player. You can play all the lovely parts of life that I am too old for now.’

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