【DSE 英文】Blog Entry格式 – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧

【DSE 英文】Blog Entry格式 – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧

【DSE 英文】Blog Entry格式 – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧

  1. Keep it personal
  2. Think of it like a conversation
  3. Give it a title
  4. Refer to other blog posts
  5. Use an informal tone
  6. Don’t use abbreviating words
  7. Use humour
  8. Use contractions
  9. Invite your reader to follow your blog
  10. Keep your ending short and memorable

DSE 英文作文體材 – Blog 題目 1-5

      • You have just taken part in an exchange trip to Korea. Having returned to Hong Kong, you decide to write a blog about your experience, highlighting the highs and lows you experienced for the benefit of your friends and family.  Write the blog.
      • You have just watched a film which you enjoyed. Write a blog entry telling others what you thought about the film and what messages you thought it conveyed.
      • Your company threw a party for all its employees last week to celebrate its success on the stock market. Your CEO has asked you to write a blog post on the company blog so that people will be able to remember the event better and as a tool to attract new graduates to the company.  Write the blog.
      • As part of a social studies class, you have been studying a social problem in Hong Kong. However, you don’t think your friends are treating the assignment seriously enough.  Write a blog post on your personal blog encouraging them to show more interest in the project.
      • You recently read a blog which claimed that ‘cheating is OK if no-one finds out’. Write a reply to this opinion in your own blog.

DSE 英文作文體材 – Blog 題目 6-10

    • As part of your school’s reading week, your teacher has asked you to write a blog post on the benefits of e-readers. Write the blog post.
    • You write a regular blog about food and fashion. Write a blog post about the media’s obsession with beauty and talk about the extent to which this kind of infatuation can harm the self-esteem of young people.
    • As you were searching for a newspaper article about university admissions, you came across a blog which claimed that ‘the internet enables anyone to get information and new skills, so universities have become pointless’. Write a reply to that opinion on your own blog.
    • Write a blog post with the title: ‘Waste in the Modern World’. You can interpret the word ‘waste’ in any way you wish.
    • You work for an IT firm in Hong Kong. One of the distinguishing features of this company is that they allow all their workers to work from home if they wish.  Write a post of the company’s blog, explaining why they allow their employees to do this.

DSE 英文作文 Blog 實用開頭句子

    • So today I’d like to talk about…
    • If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that…
    • Hi everyone, and welcome to today’s blog!
    • I’m sure you’re all dying to know about…
    • Well, the moment I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived
    • The first thing I want to talk about today is….
    • If you’re a regular follower of mine, you’ll know that…
    • If you’ve ever wondered why… Well, I’ve been thinking about that a lot too lately.

DSE 英文作文 Blog 實用結尾句子

    • So the next time you think about doing x, then consider…
    • I hope that my experience has taught you to…
    • If you want to hear more about my adventures, then I should be posting more about them on this blog in the coming weeks
    • I don’t know what’ll happen next, but I hope that…
    • All in all, I think…
    • Here’s one last point to bear in mind…

【DSE 英文】其他作文格式

【DSE English Writing Paper 2】Editorial格式
【DSE 英文】A Letter of Complaint 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips
【DSE 英文】Advice Letter 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧
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DSE 英文作文 Past Paper 模範文章

DSE 英文 Paper 1 閱讀理解詳細分析


Vocabulary.com – 這個網站可以提供正確英文字的發音,學英文新字有用

Skell – 這個網站可以找到一些詞語的同義詞,令作文有多一點變化

【DSE 英文】Speech 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

【DSE 英文】Speech 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

DSE 英文 Paper 2 – 寫Speech要注意什麼?

    1. Know your audience
    2. Grab attention at the start
    3. Address your reader directly
    4. Use PEE
    5. Signpost
    6. Vary sentence length
    7. Use emotive / strong vocabulary
    8. Use repetition
    9. Use lists
    10. End where you began

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Speech 題目 1-5

        • Your head teacher Mr. Yip is leaving your school after 30 years of service. The deputy head has asked you to give a speech at his final assembly thanking him for his hard work and mentioning some of the things he hass contributed to your school. Write the speech.
        • In recent years, environmentalists have been waging war against shark fin soup. Write a speech in which you either support the environmentalists’ claims or argue against them.
        • Many young people now enjoy playing video games. Write a speech in which you encourage your school assembly to consider taking up different habits instead of, or in addition to, video games.
        • A recent series of thefts has left members of your school suspicious of other students. Write a speech to encourage vigilance and trust.
        • You are working as an intern for a local newspaper. Your editor will be attending a debate entitled ‘Governments should not interfere in the freedom of the press’. She has asked you to write her speech for the affirmative side of this motion.   Write the speech.

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Speech 題目 6-10

      • You recently saw a teenager picking up litter on the street and believe that this demonstrates the good qualities of many young people in Hong Kong. Write a speech in which you exhort the students at your school to put their civic awareness into practice.
      • Your liberal studies teacher has organised a debate on the motion ‘politicians don’t make a difference to our day-to-day lives’. Write a speech either for either the affirmative or negative side.
      • You are the chairperson of your school’s environment club. Write a speech saying why more people should consider joining the club.
      • You are a successful businessperson in Hong Kong and have been invited back to your old school to give a talk on the most important lessons you learnt in and after school in order to inspire the students to achieve success. Write the speech.
      • Last week you visited a prison in Hong Kong. Write a speech about whether you think conditions in prisons should be improved or not, and give reasons why.

    DSE 英文作文 Speech 實用開頭句子

      • Before we begin I’d like to ask you a question…
      • Did you know that…
      • I’d like to ask for a show of hands…
      • Put up your hand if you’ve ever…
      • I’d like to start by sharing a story that happened to me personally…

    DSE 英文作文 Speech 實用結尾句子

      • If you remember nothing else, remember this…
      • Let me leave you with a question
      • Can you remember that at the start of the speech I mentioned

    DSE 英文作文 Speech 如何提供例子?

    Giving examples

        • We need look no further than … to see the disastrous results of government policy
        • I know this because we recently saw…
        • … serves as proof of my contention here.
        • The example of … should be enough to convince us of this point
        • …’s story is a cautionary tale

    【DSE 英文】其他作文格式

    【DSE English Writing Paper 2】Editorial格式
    【DSE 英文】A Letter of Complaint 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips
    【DSE 英文】Advice Letter 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧
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    DSE 英文作文 Past Paper 模範文章

    DSE 英文 Paper 1 閱讀理解詳細分析


    Vocabulary.com – 這個網站可以提供正確英文字的發音,學英文新字有用

    Skell – 這個網站可以找到一些詞語的同義詞,令作文有多一點變化

    【DSE 英文】Book Review/Report 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

    【DSE 英文】Book Review/Report 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

    DSE 英文 – 寫 Book Review 要注意什麼?

    10 useful tips include:

    1. Don’t make your readers wait, say the name of the book and the author at the beginning.
    2. Briefly say what you think of the book at the start.
    3. Don’t give away the ending.
    4. Give specific scenes or aspects of the book that you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy.
    5. Use positive adjectives such as ‘compelling’ or ‘captivating’
    6. Use negative adjectives such as ‘clichéd’ or ‘hackneyed’.
    7. Use the present tense to describe the plot of the book.
    8. Use some technical vocabulary of books such as ‘narrator’, ‘characterisation’ or ‘dramatic irony’.
    9. Use interesting connectors such as ‘as the plot progresses…’.
    10. Make a recommendation at the end of the review.

    DSE 英文作文 Book Review 實用開頭句子

    • Author Ian McEwan has firmly established himself as…
    • This latest novel from …’s pen is sure to surprise readers familiar with …’s earlier work
    • Most people think that teenagers don’t have the concentration to read long books. But Rich Smith’s 2012 epic novel The Turtle and the Tortoise proves them wrong.

    How to summarise the plot in a book review?

    • In this page-turner, readers are captivated as they follow…
    • Lewis Carroll creates suspense as he leads us on a roller-coaster ride of adventure through Alice’s imagination
    • The novel portrays the inner turmoil of…
    • The reader is caught up in the story of Harry as he…

    Positive Adjectives to use in writing a book review:

    • compelling
    • captivating
    • original
    • inspiring
    • gripping
    • fast-paced
    • mesmerising
    • impossible to put down
    • a real page-turner

    Negative adjectives to use in a book review:

    • simplistic
    • uneven
    • clichéd
    • hackneyed
    • readers might have some qualms about…


    DSE 英文作文 Book Review 實用結尾句子

      • I could not recommend this book more enthusiastically
      • … has pulled of a triumph with his latest work
      • In the opinion of this critic…
      • It’s well worth a read.
      • This novel sets the standard for all future works of [science fiction].

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    【DSE 英文】A Letter of Complaint 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips
    【DSE 英文】Advice Letter 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧
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    DSE 英文作文 Past Paper 模範文章

    DSE 英文 Paper 1 閱讀理解詳細分析


    Vocabulary.com – 這個網站可以提供正確英文字的發音,學英文新字有用

    Skell – 這個網站可以找到一些詞語的同義詞,令作文有多一點變化

    【DSE 英文】A Letter of Complaint 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

    【DSE 英文】A Letter of Complaint 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

    DSE 英文 Paper 2 – 寫 Complaint Letter 要注意什麼?

    1. Begin with the basics
    2. Keep it formal
    3. Be forceful
    4. Use your imagination
    5. Use PEE
    6. Get the sequencers right
    7. Don’t be afraid to exaggerate
    8. Tell the manager what to do
    9. Warn the reader
    10. End in a complimentary way

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Complaint letter 題目 1-5

        • You have noticed that the amount of graffiti in Hong Kong is on the rise. Write a letter of complaint to the council, asking them to do more to tackle the problem.
        • You recently went into a store with a group of friends to buy some electronics items, but the security guard turned you away at the door, claiming that it was company policy not to admit groups of more than three people. You believe this is unreasonable and have decided to write to the store’s manager to express your dissatisfaction.  Write the letter.  
        • Since your recent swimming pool was taken under new management, you believe the quality of provision has deteriorated. Safety standards, as well as decoration, have got worse.  Write a letter to the manager of the swimming pool to complain about the situation. 
        • You are currently renting an apartment in Causeway Bay, but your neighbours are making your stay there difficult. Write a letter to the superintendent of the building complaining about some of the problems you have experienced and asking him to take action. 

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Complaint Letter 題目 6-10

      • A recent TV show asked aspiring singers and actors to take part in a modeling contest. Despite the reluctance of some contestants to participate, they were pressured into taking part and told they would be forced to leave the competition if they did not agree.  Write a letter of complaint to the station manager about this.
      • You recently had to stay overnight in hospital. Although the quality of care you received was good, you did encounter some problems.  Write a letter to the hospital manager outlining some of these and suggesting things that could be done differently. 
      • You recently attended a school hockey match against a rival school. Unfortunately, the game became quite ugly, and some violence broke out.  Write a letter of complaint to both coaches, explaining why you believe this was inappropriate and suggesting action you think they should take. 
      • Despite pressure from the government, you feel that some fast food companies are not telling their customers about the nutritional content of their products clearly enough. Write an open letter of complaint to the fast-food industry to raise your concerns about this. 

    DSE 英文作文 Complaint Letter 實用開頭句子

      • I am writing to complain about…
      • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about…
      • I am writing concerning…
      • I am writing to voice my concern about…

    DSE 英文作文 Complaint Letter 實用 Call to action 句子

      • In light of my experience, I think that it is incumbent upon you to…
      • I don’t think it is unreasonable of me to request that you…
      • Should you be unable to [give me a refund], I will have no choice but to [refer the matter to the Consumer Council]
      • Unless you are able to … I regret that I will be compelled to …

    【DSE 英文】其他作文格式

    【DSE English Writing Paper 2】Editorial格式
    【DSE 英文】A Letter of Complaint 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips
    【DSE 英文】Advice Letter 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧
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    DSE 英文作文 Past Paper 模範文章

    DSE 英文 Paper 1 閱讀理解詳細分析


    Vocabulary.com – 這個網站可以提供正確英文字的發音,學英文新字有用

    Skell – 這個網站可以找到一些詞語的同義詞,令作文有多一點變化

    【DSE 英文】Feature Article 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

    【DSE 英文】Feature Article 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

    DSE 英文 Paper 2 – 寫 Feature Article 要注意什麼?

    1. Aim for a semi-formal tone
    2. Use a title
    3. Use a byline
    4. Grab attention in the introduction
    5. Tell a story
    6. Vary your sentence structure
    7. Quote the experts
    8. Use indirect speech
    9. Say what you think
    10. Don’t summarise 

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Feature Article 題目 1-5

        • You were recently worried that one of your friends was developing an alcohol addiction. You did a lot of research about the best way to help your friend, and have now decided to write an article to let others know what they can do if they find themselves in similar situations. 
        • Many students in your school suffer from stress. Write an article giving advice about how they can deal with this problem.
        • Your school newspaper is running a series of articles called ‘Tips Worth Sharing’ and has asked you to contribute a column. In it, you are asked to share some life advice that you believe would help your readers.  Write the article.
        • You recently had a conversation with your grandmother about how much Hong Kong has changed in the last fifty years, and have decided to write an article about the most significant changes you identified. Write the article.
        • A local newspaper has just launched this competition. Write an article to enter it.

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Feature Article 題目 6-10

    • Although you know that companies like Facebook and Google are extremely popular, you are worried about some of their privacy policies and decide to write a feature article for your school newspaper sharing your concerns and telling students what to do if they feel similarly.
    • There is a growing preoccupation in society with looking beautiful. Write an article for your school magazine in which you shed light on why this is the case, whether you think it’s a positive or negative trend and what students can do about it.
    • A recent article in a newspaper argued that exams were dangerous to students’ intellectual development. Write an article disagreeing with this position.
    • You believe that some of the poorest people in Hong Kong are not given enough attention by the political, economic or educational systems and have decided to write an article to highlight this point. Write the article.
    • A recent TV show highlighted that a large number of animals are abandoned soon after they are bought. Write an article highlighting the issue and suggesting ways that individuals and society can combat the problem.

    DSE 英文作文 Feature Article 表達意見時候用的實用句子

      • The government’s decision was ludicrous.
      • The behaviour of our students is usually exemplary.
      • It’s abominable that in this day and age, children are still living in poverty.
      • It’s bewildering that the government has done nothing to change the situation.
      • The way the Prime Minister has handled the situation is commendable.

    DSE 英文作文 Feature Article 套用其他專家意見的時候用的實用句子

      • I hope that my experience has taught you to…
      • If you want to hear more about my adventures, then I should be posting more about them on this blog in the coming weeks
      • I don’t know what’ll happen next, but I hope that…
      • All in all, I think…
      • Here’s one last point to bear in mind…
      • So the next time you think about doing x, then consider

    【DSE 英文】其他作文格式

    【DSE English Writing Paper 2】Editorial格式
    【DSE 英文】A Letter of Complaint 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips
    【DSE 英文】Advice Letter 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧
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    DSE 英文作文 Past Paper 模範文章

    DSE 英文 Paper 1 閱讀理解詳細分析


    Vocabulary.com – 這個網站可以提供正確英文字的發音,學英文新字有用

    Skell – 這個網站可以找到一些詞語的同義詞,令作文有多一點變化

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