【DSE 英文】Short Story – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧

【DSE 英文】Short Story – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧

【DSE 英文】Short Story – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧

    1. Show, don’t tell – Don’t tell your readers how people are feeling or where they are.  Use your words to describe it.
    2. Use metaphors -A metaphor is when we describe one thing as if it’s another.
    3. Use adverbs 
    4. Don’t always say “he said”
    5. Use synonyms – Instead of saying ‘hot’, say ‘scorching’; instead of saying ‘confused’, try ‘bewildered’.
    6. Surprise your reader – Try to avoid clichéd or overused plots.
    7. Vary your sentence structure
    8. Get to know your characters – Plan a little: who are they?  What are they wearing?  What do they look like? What job do they have?
    9. Include “irrelevant” details – Lots of (seemingly) insignificant details will make your story believable.
    10. Don’t preach

DSE 英文作文體材 – Short Story 題目 1-5

      • Your school newspaper is running a story competition under the heading ‘Strangers on a Train’. Write a story with this as the title.
      • Yesterday something very unusual happened to you during a visit to Ocean Park. Write a story about the experience.
      • Your school writing society is asking all of its members to try out some new techniques. This week, it is asking all members to try to write a story using the first person narrator.  The first line is: ‘I’m not sure when I noticed that I had special powers, but it can’t have been before April last year…’  Write the story
      • Write a story that ends with the words ‘…and that was definitely not a dream!’
      • When you woke up this morning you saw an old man lying on the ground, with a group of young girls surrounding him. When you went to ask what was going on, you were shocked by the reply.  Write a story about what happened.

DSE 英文作文體材 – Short Story 題目 6-9

    • Your teacher has asked you to practice some difficult writing skills. In the latest assignment she has asked you to imagine you are a 70 year-old immigrant to Hong Kong and write a story about what happened on your first day in the SAR.
    • Your school writing society has asked you to write a story from the perspective of an animal. Write a story entitled ‘An Ordinary Snake with an Extraordinary Secret.’  Use the first person.
    • Your local newspaper is running a story competition on the theme of ‘Love isn’t all it’s cracked up to be’. Write a story for the competition.
    • Your school magazine has asked for students to contribute stories on the theme of ‘celebrations’. Write a story on this theme that ends with the line: ‘so that’s how Jane ended up crying on her birthday’.

DSE 英文作文 Short Story Useful Phrases 1

Vocabulary for talking about appearance

    • clean-shaven 鬍子刮得乾乾淨淨的
    • lanky 瘦長的
    • well-groomed 整齊的
    • freckled 雀斑的
    • slender 苗條的
    • rotund = round (e.g. a rotund little man)
    • unkempt 蓬頭垢面
    • stocky 矮壯的,結實的
    • spotty 多瘡的,多粉刺的

DSE 英文作文 Short Story Useful Phrases 2

Vocabulary for talking about personality

    • eloquent 口才出色
    • articulate 能言善辯
    • gregarious 喜歡跟人相處,合群的
    • brazen 厚顏無恥的
    • big-headed 自以為是,傲慢的
    • grumpy 脾氣壞的,性情暴躁的
    • affectionate 感情豐富,對別人表示關愛的
    • daring 敢於冒險的

DSE 英文作文 Short Story Useful Phrases 3

Other ways of saying “said”

    • bellowed, yelled, snapped, rebuked (代表憤怒)
    • reassured, relented, placated, apologized (道歉安慰時候用)
    • chuckled, giggled, joked, teased (歡樂時候用)
    • recounted, recalled, remembered, concluded (回憶時候用)

    【DSE 英文】其他作文格式 

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    DSE 英文作文 Past Paper 模範文章

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    Vocabulary.com – 這個網站可以提供正確英文字的發音,學英文新字有用

    Skell – 這個網站可以找到一些詞語的同義詞,令作文有多一點變化

    【DSE 英文】Blog Entry格式 – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧

    【DSE 英文】Blog Entry格式 – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧

    【DSE 英文】Blog Entry格式 – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧

    1. Keep it personal
    2. Think of it like a conversation
    3. Give it a title
    4. Refer to other blog posts
    5. Use an informal tone
    6. Don’t use abbreviating words
    7. Use humour
    8. Use contractions
    9. Invite your reader to follow your blog
    10. Keep your ending short and memorable

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Blog 題目 1-5

        • You have just taken part in an exchange trip to Korea. Having returned to Hong Kong, you decide to write a blog about your experience, highlighting the highs and lows you experienced for the benefit of your friends and family.  Write the blog.
        • You have just watched a film which you enjoyed. Write a blog entry telling others what you thought about the film and what messages you thought it conveyed.
        • Your company threw a party for all its employees last week to celebrate its success on the stock market. Your CEO has asked you to write a blog post on the company blog so that people will be able to remember the event better and as a tool to attract new graduates to the company.  Write the blog.
        • As part of a social studies class, you have been studying a social problem in Hong Kong. However, you don’t think your friends are treating the assignment seriously enough.  Write a blog post on your personal blog encouraging them to show more interest in the project.
        • You recently read a blog which claimed that ‘cheating is OK if no-one finds out’. Write a reply to this opinion in your own blog.

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Blog 題目 6-10

      • As part of your school’s reading week, your teacher has asked you to write a blog post on the benefits of e-readers. Write the blog post.
      • You write a regular blog about food and fashion. Write a blog post about the media’s obsession with beauty and talk about the extent to which this kind of infatuation can harm the self-esteem of young people.
      • As you were searching for a newspaper article about university admissions, you came across a blog which claimed that ‘the internet enables anyone to get information and new skills, so universities have become pointless’. Write a reply to that opinion on your own blog.
      • Write a blog post with the title: ‘Waste in the Modern World’. You can interpret the word ‘waste’ in any way you wish.
      • You work for an IT firm in Hong Kong. One of the distinguishing features of this company is that they allow all their workers to work from home if they wish.  Write a post of the company’s blog, explaining why they allow their employees to do this.

    DSE 英文作文 Blog 實用開頭句子

      • So today I’d like to talk about…
      • If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that…
      • Hi everyone, and welcome to today’s blog!
      • I’m sure you’re all dying to know about…
      • Well, the moment I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived
      • The first thing I want to talk about today is….
      • If you’re a regular follower of mine, you’ll know that…
      • If you’ve ever wondered why… Well, I’ve been thinking about that a lot too lately.

    DSE 英文作文 Blog 實用結尾句子

      • So the next time you think about doing x, then consider…
      • I hope that my experience has taught you to…
      • If you want to hear more about my adventures, then I should be posting more about them on this blog in the coming weeks
      • I don’t know what’ll happen next, but I hope that…
      • All in all, I think…
      • Here’s one last point to bear in mind…

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    DSE 英文作文 Past Paper 模範文章

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    Vocabulary.com – 這個網站可以提供正確英文字的發音,學英文新字有用

    Skell – 這個網站可以找到一些詞語的同義詞,令作文有多一點變化

    【DSE 英文】Report 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

    【DSE 英文】Report 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

    DSE 英文 Paper 2 – 寫 Report 要注意什麼?

    1. Don’t forget the title
    2. Use the passive voice
    3. Refer to statistics
    4. Use reported speech
    5. Use neutral language
    6. Use headings
    7. Make suggestions
    8. Keep it relevant
    9. Sum it up
    10. It’s not a letter

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Report 題目 1-5

        • Your head teacher is concerned that some students in form 6 are not enjoying life at school. He has asked you to conduct a questionnaire among your classmates for the reasons for this, along with any areas they think could be improved. He has asked you to summarise your findings in a report.  Write the report.
        • You were recently involved in your school’s annual play. In order to give students a better idea of what’s involved in a school production, your drama teacher has asked you to write a report on your experience which will be given to future students who are interested in taking part.
        • As part of your social studies class, you have conducted interviews with members of the public about how they use transport and what they think could be improved about the transport infrastructure of Hong Kong. Summarise your findings in a report.
        • Last week you saw a classmate being verbally and physically assaulted. Your head of year has asked you to write a report on the incident for his records and to allow him to determine what further steps should be taken.
        • You currently present a weekly show on your school radio channel. This week you want to talk about the positives and negatives of the internet.  To prepare for your show, write a report on some of the things you have observed about the internet.

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Report 題目 6-10

      • Last week you undertook a work experience placement at a local hospital. Write a report about your experience including how you arranged it and the positives and negatives of your time there.
      • Your school is currently considering whether to make the school day longer for form 5 and 6 students to enable them to have more opportunity to study. You have conducted a questionnaire among your classmates about the plan and have decided to summarise the results in a report for your head teacher.  Write the report.
      • You think that your school does not pay enough attention to mental health issues. To convince your teacher that more education is needed in this area, you have undertaken to write a report of the issues concerned and how much students already know about these matters. Write the report.
      • Although the newspapers like to report on crime, you believe that the positive face of society is underrepresented in the media. Write a report about some of the positive actions or trends you have observed in society recently.
      • Your school is organising a healthy eating contest. To prepare for the event, you have decided to survey students about their eating habits at present and what steps they would like to take to eat more healthily.  Write the report.

    DSE 英文作文 Report 實用開頭句子

      • This report concerns a survey that was carried out…
      • In this report, light will be shed on…
      • The purpose of this report is to…

    DSE 英文作文 Report 實用結尾句子

      • In summary, we can see that…
      • In conclusion…
      • The findings of this report are incontrovertible.
      • This report has clearly demonstrated…
      • This report has clearly shown…
      • It is hard to avoid the conclusion that

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    DSE 英文作文 Past Paper 模範文章

    DSE 英文 Paper 1 閱讀理解詳細分析


    Vocabulary.com – 這個網站可以提供正確英文字的發音,學英文新字有用

    Skell – 這個網站可以找到一些詞語的同義詞,令作文有多一點變化

    【DSE 英文】Advice Letter 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

    【DSE 英文】Advice Letter 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

    DSE 英文 Paper 2 – 寫 Advice Letter 要注意什麼?

    1. Remember it’s your friend
    2. Friendly first sentence
    3. Sympathise with the problem
    4. Give specifics
    5. Use your imagination
    6. Use conditionals
    7. Use modals
    8. Use informal vocabulary
    9. Get your connectors right
    10. End with reassurance.

    DSE 英文作文體材 – Advice Letter 題目 1-5

        • Someone in your class is considering spending a semester abroad but is worried about the risks involved. Write a letter telling him what he should do in preparation for spending time abroad. 
        • Your friend is thinking of taking up a new hobby in order to make some new friends. Based on your knowledge of your friend, write a letter giving her suggestions on what she should do and suggesting any other ways she could make friends.
        • One of your friends is studying in the UK and is about to return to Hong Kong. Write a letter of advice giving suggestions about how she could use the rest of her time abroad, and what she could do to prepare to return to Hong Kong.
        • Two of your friends have had an argument, and it is up to you to try to work a reconciliation. Write a letter of advice to one of the friends telling them how they can restore the relationship. 
        • Your friend is working in a fast food restaurant but s/he doesn’t enjoy it. Write a letter of advice  telling him/her how they can cope and what they can do.   

      DSE 英文作文體材 – Advice Letter 題目 6-9

        • Your friend Anna is appearing in the lead role in the school musical. However, it’s her first time on stage and she has written to you asking for advice on what she can do to prepare for the performance.  Write a letter of advice in which you share some useful tips. 
        • Your friend has recently participated in a dance competition. She did well, but didn’t win.  To make matters worse, she received a negative review in the school uniform.  She is upset and has asked for your advice about how to handle it.  Write a letter to your friend to help her in this situation.
        • You are guesting as an agony aunt/uncle in your school newspaper. A student has written in saying that he is struggling to get on with his family because they want him to go to university to study law, but he wants to go to drama school.  Write a letter of advice telling him what he could do to solve his problem. 

      DSE 英文作文 Advice Letter 實用開頭句子

        • Thanks so much for your letter
        • It’s been too long since we were last in touch
        • It was so nice to get your letter in the mail – a real surprise!
        • I hope you’re doing well and that you’re coping with the stresses of Form 6.

      DSE 英文作文 Advice Letter 實用結尾句子

        • Thanks for sharing this with me and I hope I’ve been able to help a bit
        • Do let me know how it all pans out.
        • I hope my advice has been useful
        • Remember that I’m here for you if you need me.

      【DSE 英文】其他作文格式

      【DSE English Writing Paper 2】Editorial格式
      【DSE 英文】A Letter of Complaint 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips
      【DSE 英文】Advice Letter 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧
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      DSE 英文作文 Past Paper 模範文章

      DSE 英文 Paper 1 閱讀理解詳細分析


      Vocabulary.com – 這個網站可以提供正確英文字的發音,學英文新字有用

      Skell – 這個網站可以找到一些詞語的同義詞,令作文有多一點變化

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