【DSE 英文】Short Story – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧
【DSE 英文】Short Story – DSE English Paper 2 Tips 英文卷二技巧
- Show, don’t tell – Don’t tell your readers how people are feeling or where they are. Use your words to describe it.
- Use metaphors -A metaphor is when we describe one thing as if it’s another.
- Use adverbs
- Don’t always say “he said”
- Use synonyms – Instead of saying ‘hot’, say ‘scorching’; instead of saying ‘confused’, try ‘bewildered’.
- Surprise your reader – Try to avoid clichéd or overused plots.
- Vary your sentence structure
- Get to know your characters – Plan a little: who are they? What are they wearing? What do they look like? What job do they have?
- Include “irrelevant” details – Lots of (seemingly) insignificant details will make your story believable.
- Don’t preach
DSE 英文作文體材 – Short Story 題目 1-5
- Your school newspaper is running a story competition under the heading ‘Strangers on a Train’. Write a story with this as the title.
- Yesterday something very unusual happened to you during a visit to Ocean Park. Write a story about the experience.
- Your school writing society is asking all of its members to try out some new techniques. This week, it is asking all members to try to write a story using the first person narrator. The first line is: ‘I’m not sure when I noticed that I had special powers, but it can’t have been before April last year…’ Write the story
- Write a story that ends with the words ‘…and that was definitely not a dream!’
- When you woke up this morning you saw an old man lying on the ground, with a group of young girls surrounding him. When you went to ask what was going on, you were shocked by the reply. Write a story about what happened.
DSE 英文作文體材 – Short Story 題目 6-9
- Your teacher has asked you to practice some difficult writing skills. In the latest assignment she has asked you to imagine you are a 70 year-old immigrant to Hong Kong and write a story about what happened on your first day in the SAR.
- Your school writing society has asked you to write a story from the perspective of an animal. Write a story entitled ‘An Ordinary Snake with an Extraordinary Secret.’ Use the first person.
- Your local newspaper is running a story competition on the theme of ‘Love isn’t all it’s cracked up to be’. Write a story for the competition.
- Your school magazine has asked for students to contribute stories on the theme of ‘celebrations’. Write a story on this theme that ends with the line: ‘so that’s how Jane ended up crying on her birthday’.
DSE 英文作文 Short Story Useful Phrases 1
Vocabulary for talking about appearance
- clean-shaven 鬍子刮得乾乾淨淨的
- lanky 瘦長的
- well-groomed 整齊的
- freckled 雀斑的
- slender 苗條的
- rotund = round (e.g. a rotund little man)
- unkempt 蓬頭垢面
- stocky 矮壯的,結實的
- spotty 多瘡的,多粉刺的
DSE 英文作文 Short Story Useful Phrases 2
Vocabulary for talking about personality
- eloquent 口才出色
- articulate 能言善辯
- gregarious 喜歡跟人相處,合群的
- brazen 厚顏無恥的
- big-headed 自以為是,傲慢的
- grumpy 脾氣壞的,性情暴躁的
- affectionate 感情豐富,對別人表示關愛的
- daring 敢於冒險的
DSE 英文作文 Short Story Useful Phrases 3
Other ways of saying “said”
- bellowed, yelled, snapped, rebuked (代表憤怒)
- reassured, relented, placated, apologized (道歉安慰時候用)
- chuckled, giggled, joked, teased (歡樂時候用)
- recounted, recalled, remembered, concluded (回憶時候用)