Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 10

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 10

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Ten (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

CHAPTER TEN – Bruce Boggtrotter And The Cake.



It may seem hard to a reader to understand why Trunchbull was allowed to get away with such cruelty. What, according to Matilda, is ‘Trunchbull’s great secret which explains this?’

Matilda tells Lavender that Trunchbull’s great secret is ‘never do things by halves’. The more outrageous a punishment, the less likely a parent is to believe it when their child comes home and tells them about it. They are more likely to think that their child is making it up.



It wasn’t long before the school got yet another demonstration of Trunchbull’s wrath when she summoned Bruce Bogtrotter to the stage during a meeting in the Assembly Room. What had Boggtrotter done wrong?

Boggtrotter had stolen a piece of Trunchbull’s ‘private chocolate cake’ the previous day and had been spotted eating it by the cook.



How does Trunchbull punish Boggtrotter in front of the whole school?

Trunchbull had arranged for the cook to prepare another giant cake and asked Boggtrotter to sit down and eat the entire thing in front of the assembled school, thinking that it would be impossible. Failure to finish the entire cake would result in him being put in ‘The Chokey’.



Is Turnbull’s punishment of Boggtrotter a success? Explain your answer.

No it wasn’t. It quickly becomes a competition between Turnbull and Boggtrotter with the latter desperately trying to eat the entire cake without being sick or begging for mercy. The rest of the school soon started to support Boggtrotter. After eating what seemed like an impossible amount of cake he eventually finishes every last bite and was applauded by the rest of the school.



How does Trunchbull react when Boggtrotter finally manages to eat every last bite of the cake?

Trunchbull became exceedingly angry when Boggtrotter managed to finish the cake and hit him over the head with the large ceramic plate on which the cake had been served.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 11

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 11

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Eleven (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

76. 44 Why does Miss Honey tell the class to make sure that they are on their best behaviour every Thursday afternoon at two O’clock? Miss Honey tells the class that it is customary for Trunchbull to take over each class for one lesson a week and that their slot would be two o’clock every Thursday. Miss Honey, knowing what Trunchbull is like, warns the class to be on their best behaviour if they want to avoid being punished.
77. 45 What important job is Lavender assigned each week before the Thursday afternoon lesson taken by Trunchbull? Miss Honey tells the class that Trunchbull insists upon a jug of water and a glass being left on her desk before the start of the lesson. Lavender is assigned the task of making sure that this is done.
78. 45 Lavender is impressed by Hortensia’s stories of bravery and has also been impressed by Matilda who had taken her into confidence about the tricks she had played on her family. Lavender therefore decides that her new responsibility was an opportunity to achieve a similar victory. What does she look for in her garden to assist her in her plans, and what does these creatures look like? Lavender searches her garden for a newt. Newts are about six inches long and very slimy. According to Dahl they look almost like a baby crocodile with a shorter head.
79. 45 Lavender uses her school hat as a net to capture the creature. What does she keep the animal in, and why is she careful not to chop off his tail? Lavender transfers the newt from her school hat to her pencil case which she has prepared by lining it with pond-weed. She is extra careful not to trap the newt’s tail when she closes the lid of her pencil case because her next-door neighbour, Rupert Entwistle, had told her that if you chop off the tail of a newt then it will grow into another identical creature, only ten times the size.
80. 46 Lavender is desperate to tell Matilda about her plan but decides not to. Why is this? Even though Lavender trusts Matilda, she decides that it is better that her plans remain a secret and then, even under torture, nobody would be able to tell Trunchbull who was the guilty party.
81. 47 Lavender, after concealing the creature in Trunchbull’s water jug which she then dutifully places in the classroom ahead of the lesson, rejoins the rest of her form. When Trunchbull enters the classroom, what does she demand every student does and why? Trunchbull demands that each student stands with their hands out in front of them and then, as she walks past, rotate their hands so that she could check that they were clean on both sides.
82. 47 Miss Trunchbull soon becomes angry at a young boy called Nigel Hicks. When questioned by Trunchbull, what does Nigel tell her that his father does for a living? After being accused of having dirty hands, Trunchbull asks Nigel what his father does as a living, asking if he is a sewage worker. Nigel tells Trunchbull that his father is a doctor, and a very good one at that.
83. 48 In addition to having dirty hands, what else convinces Trunchbull that Nigel is a ‘walking germ factory’? In addition to having dirty hands when Trunchbull inspects them, Nigel has a baked bean stuck to the front of his shirt. It had ended up there during lunch, he tells his headmistress.
84. 48 As a punishment for being so dirty, Trunchbull decides to test Nigel’s spelling ability to see if he has managed to learn anything during the previous week. What does Trunchbull tell Nigel to do whilst she tests him? Trunchbull tells Nigel to stand on one leg and face the wall whilst she tests his spelling.
85. 49

Complete the following sentence with one of the words below:


‘The softer Trunchbull’s voice became, the greater the ________ ’.


a.       Calm                           c. Danger

b.      Her anger                    d. Tranquillity



c.       Danger
86. 49 When Nigel is proved right that the class has been taught how to spell ‘difficulty’, what does he tell Trunchbull is Miss Honey’s ‘magic method’? Nigel tells Trunchbull that Miss Honey’s ‘magic method’ is teaching the class a ‘little song about each word’.
87. 50 What does Trunchbull do to a small boy called Rupert when he is unable to tell her what ‘two sevens equal’? When Rupert is unable to answer her question correctly, Trunchbull picked him up by his hair and doesn’t put him down until he answered the question correctly.
88. 51 Trunchbull doesn’t believe one student when he tells her that his name is ‘Eric Ink’. Eventually, after Eric asks her to look his name up in the phonebook, Trunchbull seems to be convinced telling him that ‘you may be Ink, young man, but let me tell you something. You’re not indelible. I’ll very soon rub you out if you try getting clever with me’. What does Trunchbull mean by this? Indelible ink is a type of ink which cannot be removed or erased and the expression ‘to rub someone out’ means to kill them. By telling Eric Ink that he isn’t indelible but can be rubbed out, Trunchbull means that she can kill him!
89. 52 When Eric fails to spell the word ‘what’, Trunchbull picks the poor boy up by his ears. When Miss Honey pleads with the headmistress to put the boy down, Trunchbull tells Miss Honey that boy’s ears never come off. What does she say they do instead? Trunchbull tells Miss Honey that boy’s ears never come off, but they can stretch, just like Eric’s ears were doing.
90. 53 Why does Trunchbull tell Miss Honey that Eric will have ‘an interesting pixie look for the rest of his life’? Trunchbull tells Miss Honey that Eric will have ‘an interesting pixie look for the rest of his life’ because his ears have stretched quite considerably whilst she was suspending him from them.
91 53 Trunchbull tells Miss Honey that she is a great fan of one of the characters in Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens. Which character was this and why did Trunchbull like him? Trunchbull was a great fan of Mr Wackford Squeers, the headmaster of Dotheboys Hall, featured in Nicholas Nickleby. The reason for Trunchbull’s admiration was Squeers use of the birch: ‘He kept their backsides so warm you could have fried eggs and bacon on them’ she told the class
92 53 The day after Trunchbull bought a used car from Mr Wormwood, she thought that he was a very good man. What had now happened to change her mind? Immediately after buying the used car, Trunchbull thought that Mr Wormwood was a very fair salesman as he had told her that the car was almost new and had very low mileage. Trunchbull had changed her mind after ‘the entire engine fell out on the road’ and she was amazed to discover that the entire thing was full of sawdust.
93 54 Trunchbull tells Matilda that she doesn’t like clever people. Why is this? Trunchbull tells Matilda that she doesn’t like clever people because ‘They are all crooks’.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 03

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 03

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Three (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

CHAPTER THREE – The Hat And The Superglue.



When Mr Wormwood arrived at the second-hand car garage to start work the next morning, he had a great surprise. What was this and how did he react?

Mr Wormwood discovered that his hat was stuck to his head. Earlier that morning Matilda had secretly spread superglue around the inside of the hat before her father put it on as he went to work. Mr Wormwood couldn’t take the hat off and so had to keep it on all day hoping that his staff thought that he had meant to do this ‘like gangsters do in the films’.



When Mr Wormwood arrived home that evening, he was in a very bad mood. Matilda told him a story about ‘a boy down the road’ who had also had an accident with superglue. What had he done?

The boy had got some Superglue on his finger without realising it and then tried to pick his nose. The finger became stuck up his nostril for a week.



Later that evening, Mr wormwood discovered the worst thing about not being able to take off his hat. What was this?

Mr Wormwood discovered the worst thing about not being able to take off his hat when he went to bed. It was impossible to fall asleep as he couldn’t get comfortable on the pillow.



What does Mr Wormwood decide to do about the hat when it is still stuck to his head the following morning, and is this successful?

Mr Wormwood decides that the hat will have to be cut off. Mrs Wormwood tried her best to cut the hat off cleanly but this doesn’t prove very successful as it is necessary for her to cut off a lot of his hair in the process, leaving a bald band around his head. In addition to this, a number of ‘small patches of brown leathery stuff’ are left stuck to his forehead.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 04

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 04

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Four (Matilda by Roald Dahl)




Sometime after the ‘superglue incident’, Mr Wormwood arrived home from work in a bad mood. He turned on the television and then seemed to become angry at Matilda who was reading. What did he do to her copy of The Red Pony?

After complaining that she was reading too much, and that all American authors write ‘filth’, he started to tear the pages out of the book and throw them into the wastepaper basket.



When Matilda tells her father that he is ruining a library book, how does he respond?

Mr Wormwood doesn’t stop destroying the book and simply tells Matilda that she will have to save up her pocket money if she wanted to replace the library book.



Who were Fred and Chopper?

Fred was a six year old boy who lived just around the corner from Matilda. For some time now he had been boasting about Chopper, a blue and yellow talking parrot that his father had given him.



Matilda wants to borrow Chopper for a single night, but Fred is reluctant to let her have him. How does She persuade Fred to give Chopper to her?

She promises to give him her pocket-money for the next week.



When Matilda’s family start to hear Chopper speaking to them, they think that they are being burgled. Where has Matilda hidden Chopper to create this effect?

Matilda has hidden Chopper in the chimney.



Going to the dining room to investigate the noises, the Wormwoods each arm themselves with something. What does each one choose?

Each of the Wormwoods chose a different weapon. Mrs Wormwood grabbed a poker from the fireplace whilst Mr Wormwood grasped a golf club. Matilda’s brother held a table-lamp and Matilda clung on to the knife she had been using to eat with.



When the Wormwoods burst into the dining room they are surprised to find that no one is waiting for them in there. When they hear Chopper start to say ‘Rattle my bones’, Matilda makes a suggestion as to what could be making the noise. What was this suggestion?

Matilda tells the rest of her family that it must be a ghost who is making the noises. She also tells them that she knows the room to be haunted as she has heard the voices of ghosts in there before.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 05

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 05

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Five (Matilda by Roald Dahl)




Dahl tells his readers that Matilda was only very small and very young and so always had to do as she was told. However, in spite of this, she did have power over her family. What was this?

Dahl tells his readers that ‘the only power Matilda had over anyone in her family was Brain power’.



One evening Mr Wormwood returned home to his family in an excellent mood boasting that he had sold no fewer than five cars that day, ‘each at a tidy profit’. He tells his family that he had employed a number of tricks to sell the vehicles. In addition to the two ‘tricks of the trade’ which he had already told his son, namely putting sawdust in the oil and using a drill to change the milometer, what third trick does he mention?

The third trick mentioned by Mr Wormwood was to put a ‘splash of paint here and there’ to make the car look newer and better than it was.



Mr Wormwood is very pleased because he sold so many cars, and asks his son to calculate how much profit he had made. For each car, he reads out the amount of money he had bought it for, and the amount he had sold it for. When Matilda beats her brother to the correct answer, Mr Wormwood becomes very angry. What answer does Matilda give?

Matilda correctly calculates that her father’s total profit was £4303.50 on the five cars.



When Matilda successfully beats her brother to the correct answer, her father becomes very angry. What does he accuse Matilda of doing?

Mr Wormwood accuses Matilda of cheating by looking at the answer that he had written on a piece of paper earlier in the day. Matilda points out that she is sitting on the other side of the room and so couldn’t possibly have seen the answer but her father reiterates that Matilda is ‘a cheat and a liar’.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 06

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 06

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Six (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

CHAPTER SIX – The Platinum Blond Man.



Mrs Wormwood was exceedingly proud of her ‘platinum blond’ hair and, in between visits to the hairdressers, would use hair dye to keep it looking as good as possible. How many times a year would Mrs Wormwood visit the hairdressers to get her hair completely dyed?

Mrs Wormwood would visit the hairdressers twice a year to get the ‘big dyeing job’ done.



According to Matilda’s father, what does “Good strong hair” mean that there is underneath?

Matilda’s father was very fond of saying that “Good strong hair…means there’s a good strong brain underneath.”



Matilda plans to get her own back on her father by replacing his purple coloured ‘oil of violet hair tonic’ with her mother’s platinum hair dye. She carefully pours three quarters of the hair tonic down the sink before replacing it with hair dye. Why does she not pour all of it down the sink?

Matilda doesn’t want her father to suspect anything unusual and therefore she leaves just enough hair tonics in the bottle so that, when shaken, the new mixture of hair tonic and hair dye will still look purple.



Mr Wormwood liked to have the same large breakfast every morning. What does he always eat?

Mr Wormwood always had two fried eggs on fried bread with three pork sausages and three strips of bacon and some fried tomatoes for breakfast.



What makes Mrs Wormwood scream out in surprise and drop her husband’s breakfast on the floor when he arrives for breakfast that morning?

Mrs Wormwood is taken by surprise by her husband’s hair which has gone a ‘dirty silver’ colour as a result of Matilda’s handiwork.



When Mr Wormwood sees his hair, he announces that he can’t go to work looking so ridiculous before asking ‘how could this have happened’. What does Matilda say must have happened?

Matilda tells her father that he must have accidentally used his wife’s hair dye instead of his hair tonic.



Mrs Wormwood tells her husband that her hair dye is very powerful stuff and contains peroxide. Mr Wormwood will be lucky, his wife tells him, if his hair doesn’t all fall out. What else is peroxide used for, according to Mrs Wormwood?

According to Mrs Wormwood, peroxide is sold under another name to clean and disinfect toilets.



Matilda tells her mother that her father ‘does do some pretty silly things now and again’. What does her mother tell Matilda she will learn about men when she gets a bit older?

Mrs Wormwood tells Matilda that ‘men are not always quite as clever as they think they are. You will learn that when you get a bit older, my girl.’ 

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