09 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Nine – Miniluv)

09 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Nine – Miniluv)

George Orwell 1984 Summary

Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head

1984 Chapter Nine – Miniluv



Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Nine – Miniluv

What does Winston realise that the place ‘where there is no dark’ mentioned by O’Brien in his dream is?

Winston realises that the place ‘where there is no dark’ mentioned by O’Brien in his dream is the cell he is kept in in the Ministry of Love: ‘there is no dark’ because the bright lights are constantly on.



Why is Ampleforth thrown into Winston’s cell?

Ampleforth is thrown into Winston’s cell for not changing the word ‘God’ in one of the poems he was working on, presumably since the Party don’t want anyone to think that there could be a higher authority than Big Brother.



Why is Winston surprised when Parsons is thrown into his cell?

Winston is surprised when Parsons is thrown into his cell because he has always seen Parsons as an ardent supporter of the Party, someone who would never commit thoughtcrime.



“Parsons is unrepentant about his thoughtcrime.” True or false?

This statement is false: Parsons is so repentant about his thoughtcrime that he admits that ‘it is a terrible thing’ and resolves to thank the Party for ‘saving’ him.



About what does Winston change his mind drastically when he is attacked by the guard?

When the guard hits him on the elbow, Winston reverses his previous view that if Julia were in ‘and he could double his own pain to help her, he would do it’.

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04 George Orwell 1984 Summary ( Part One – Thoughtcrime: Chapter Four – Ownlife)

04 George Orwell 1984 Summary ( Part One – Thoughtcrime: Chapter Four – Ownlife)

George Orwell 1984 Summary

Part One – Thoughtcrime

1984 Chapter Four – Ownlife


20. Part One – Thoughtcrime: Chapter Four – Ownlife Under what circumstances would the Party refuse a request to marry? The Party would refuse a request for marriage if the man and woman in question ‘found each other attractive’.
21. What definition of ownlife is given? Ownlife, in Newspeak, is described as doing things on one’s own, resulting in ‘separation from everybody else’.
22. Why does Winston enter Charrington’s shop even though he swore to himself that would never do so again after buying his diary? Winston enters Charrington’s shop for the second time because he decides that he ‘would be safer inside’ than doing nothing outside and determines that ‘trying to buy a razor blade’ would be a good enough excuse for being there if anyone asked him.
23. Why is Winston attracted to the idea of renting Charrington’s upstairs room? Winston is attracted to the idea of renting Charrington’s upstairs room because he decides that ‘it would be so peaceful to live as people did in the past’ and he likes the idea of having a room without a telescreen in it.

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12 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Twelve – Room 101)

12 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Twelve – Room 101)

George Orwell 1984 Summary

Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head

1984 Chapter Twelve – Room 101



Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Twelve – Room 101

“After being tortured, Winston does not understand why he fought against the Party.” True or false?

This statement is true: after being tortured, Winston realises that he ‘had been stupid to fight against the power of the Party’ because it is not possible to do so.



Although Winston cannot tell whether it is day or night outside while he is in the cells in the Ministry of Love, what can he tell from inside them?

Even though he cannot tell whether it is day or night outside from inside the cells in the Ministry of Love, Winston is able to use the quality of the air to tell whether the different cells he is put into are ‘high up or low down’ in the buiding.



What detail about the behaviour of rats is repeated from earlier in the book?

When explaining how he will use the rats to torture Winston, O’Brien repeats some details about rats which Julia tells Winston earlier in the novel – chiefly, that in some poor parts of London mothers cannot leave their babies outside for more than a couple of minutes for fear that the rats will attack and eat it.



“Winston never betrays Julia.” True or false?

This statement is false: when faced with being tortured by rats – his greatest fear – he instinctively implores O’Brien to inflict the pain on Julia instead, before he realises that he has said anything.



“After his release from the Ministry of Love, Winston just wants to see Julia again.” True or false?

This statement is false: when he is released, Winston is no longer interested in Julia – he knows that they could see each other again but neither of them wants to.



How is Julia different to the girl Winston loved before they were arrested by the Thought Police?

When Winston sees Julia again by chance after they have been released from the Ministry of Love, he notices that she is ‘fatter’ than she was before.



How is Winston’s fight against the Party described in the final paragraph?

In the final paragraph, Winston’s fight against the Party is described as a ‘fight against himself’ which he has won, thereby demonstrating that the Party’s interrogation of him has been so successful that Winston has taken their side against his original views and sees his former self as the enemy.

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03 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part One – Thoughtcrime: Chapter Three – The Ministry of Truth)

03 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part One – Thoughtcrime: Chapter Three – The Ministry of Truth)

George Orwell 1984 Summary

Part One – Thoughtcrime

1984 Chapter Three – The Ministry of Truth



Part One – Thoughtcrime: Chapter Three – The Ministry of Truth

Why does Winston have to rewrite part of the speech delivered by Big Brother on the 17th of March?

Winston has to rewrite part of the speech delivered by Big Brother on the 17th of March so that the records of the Times indicate ‘that Big Brother had known about the attack before it had happened’.


What definition of an unperson is given?

An unperson in Newspeak, is described as someone who has been vaporized – that is, taken away and expunged from the records.


What job does Ampleforth do?

Ampleforth rewrites previously written poems so that they endorsed the values and views of the Party.


Is it fair to say that Syme is depicted as bloodthirsty?

Yes, Syme is described as deriving great enjoyment from watching others suffer: for example, he claims to prefer watching hangings where those being executed do not have their legs tied together, allowing them to kick and struggle.


Why does Winston give Tom Parsons two dollars?

Winston gives Tom Parsons two dollars because he promised that he would contribute that amount to the purchase of the flags for Victory Mansions for Hate Week.

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10 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Ten – Two And Two Make Five)

10 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Ten – Two And Two Make Five)

George Orwell 1984 Summary

Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head :

1984 Chapter Ten – Two and Two make five



Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Ten – Two And Two Make Five

How can we tell that the interrogation techniques used by the Party are extremely effective.

We can tell that the interrogation techniques used by the Party are extremely effective from the detail that even the ‘first stage of questioning’ makes Winston admit to ‘every imaginable crime’, such as being an Eastasian spy.



Why is O’Brien not satisfied with the first time Winston says that he is holding up ‘five’ fingers?

O’Brien is not satisfied with the first time Winston says that he is holding up ‘Five’ fingers because he thinks that he is lying and that he still thinks that the answer is ‘four’.



When the dial on the torture machine is put up to ‘seventy-five’, with what detail does Orwell convey that it causes Winston worse pain than he has ever imagined possible? 

Orwell uses the detail that Winston no longer notices whether he is crying or not to show that ‘seventy-five’ is worse pain than Winston has ever imagined possible.



What is surprising about the way Winston views O’Brien after torturing him?

It is extremely surprising that Winston views O’Brien as ‘a friend’ and that the fact that he has been torturing him ‘makes no difference’ to how he views him.



What does O’Brien assert is the purpose of bringing Winston to the Ministry of Love?

O’Brien asserts that the reason that the party has brought Winston to the Ministry of Love is to make him ‘better’, rather than to punish him.



“O’Brien tells Winston that Julia could not resist the Party’s tortures for very long.” True or false?

This statement is true: O’Brien tells Winston that Julia betrayed him ‘immediately, completely’ when she was tortured, commenting that he has never seen anyone gave in sp quickly.



How does Orwell build mystery around ‘Room 101’?

Orwell creates mystery around ‘Room 101’ by not having O’Brien answer Winston’s question about what it is or what is in there: instead, he has O’Brien enigmatically reply that Winston knows what it contains, but the reader remains uncertain.

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11 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Eleven – The Last Man)

11 George Orwell 1984 Summary (Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Eleven – The Last Man)

George Orwell 1984 Summary

Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head:

1984  Chapter Eleven – The Last Man



Part Three – Inside Winston Smith’s Head: Chapter Eleven – The Last Man

What does O’Brien reveal about ‘Goldstein’s book’?

O’Brien reveals to Winston that ‘Goldstein’s book’ is not actually Goldstein’s book at all, informing Winston that, instead, it was written by him and a number of others.



According to O’Brien, what kind of world is the Party trying to build?

O’Brien states that the Party is attempting to build ‘a world of fear and suffering and hate’, destroying everything else such as ‘love’ and ‘pleasure’.



What does O’Brien mean when he tells Winston ‘you are the last man’?

When he tells Winston that he is ‘the last man’, O’Brien means that Winston is the only person left alive who thinks that the Party does not and cannot control ‘life’ or ‘the way people are’.



What does O’Brien use Winston’s teeth to assert?

O’Brien uses that fact that, after his torture, Winston has many fewer teeth than before he was brought to the Ministry of Love to show Winston how he is falling apart and now barely human.



Whom does O’Brien blame for Winston’s old and grizzled appearance?

O’Brien blames Winston for the fact that he now looks old and grizzled: he says that it was not him who inflicted it on Winston, but Winston himself by ceasing to obey the Party.

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