The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 09

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 09

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Nine

Chapter NINE
41   How are Kozinski and Hodge commemorated by the firm at a ceremony presided over by Oliver Lambert? They each have a portrait hung in the main library and there are scholarships at their alma mater established in their names.
42 106 After telling Mitch about the death of John Mickel, why does Avery ask Mitch if he is superstitions? Avery informs Mitch that ten years earlier an associate by the name of John Mickel had ‘blown his brains out’ in what was now Mitch’s office.
43 107 Who does Mitch refer to as ‘Black Eyes’. Nathan Locke

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 10

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 10

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Ten

Chapter TEN
44 110 Why did Mitch think that Abbey’s decision to marry him had been an act of rebellion against her family? Abby’s parents had always pushed her to have the best of everything including marrying a wealthy, well connected man. Therefore her decision to marry a poor kid with no family was an act of rebellion
45 111 Mr and Mrs Sutherland both have a habit which Mitch does not approve of in his house or car. What is this? Smoking.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 11

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 11

The Firm by John Grisham book summary chapter 11

Chapter Eleven

Chapter ELEVEN
46 117 Oliver Lambert gives Mitch some good news, what is this and why was Mitch feeling nervous before he learned what it was? Lambert informed Mitch that he had not only passed the Bar exam, but scored the highest mark. Mitch had been nervous as Lambert called him to a meeting attended by all of the partners and they each pretended to be about to reprimand Mitch.
47 119-120 Over lunch, Mitch is approached by Wayne Terrance who identifies himself as an FBI agent and gives Mitch three pieces of advice. What were these three pieces of advice?

1.      Never trust anyone at the firm.

2.      Every word you utter, no matter where you are, is being recorded.

3.      Money doesn’t grow on trees.

48 124 When Mitch discusses his meeting with Terrance with Locke and a number of other partners, he asks them about the deaths of Kozinski and Hodge. He is told that the firm now believed their deaths to be suspicious. Why was this? They tell Mitch that the native of the islands who was acting as the boat’s captain, and had been killed at the same time as the lawyers, had links with a drug smuggling operation. It was now thought that Kozinski and Hodge were collateral damage in a plot to kill him.
49 125 Why does DeVasher think that the FBI selected Mitch to target? Devasher suggests that this might be a change of strategy and the FBI is now targeting someone who is fresh out of college and likely to be full of ideals and ethics.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 12

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 12

The Firm by John Grisham book summary chapter 12

Chapter Twelve

Chapter TWELVE
50 128 What is Ray’s relationship with Mitch They are brothers.
51 130 Ray is said to have a great aptitude for learning what? New languages
52 132 What crime was Ray prosecuted for? Second degree murder in Nashville.
53 139 Ray connects Mitch with Eddie, a private detective who had been Ray’s cell mate for a number of years. What does Mitch ask Eddie to investigate? He asks Eddie to investigate four people. The first three are the three lawyers to have died under mysterious circumstances, and whose portraits were now in the main library. The fourth was Terrance, the FBI agent.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 15

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 15

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Fifteen




The friendship between Abby and Kay Quinn was still in its infancy. Select the word which best describes Abby’s approach to forming friendships:

1.      Cautious

2.      Aggressive

3.      Apathetic

4.      Unwilling

1.      Cautious



Why does Kay Quinn think that the firm is so concerned with the private lives of their employees and actively encourages their lawyers to start families with children?

Kay thinks that the company wants ‘happy lawyers with stable families’.



Mitch arranged to meet someone under an old monument to the Confederates in the middle of a local park in the middle of a sleet storm. Who did he plan to meet, and why do you think they chose quite such a secluded spot?

He had arranged to meet Eddie Lomax, the private detective. Mitch was concerned that he was being followed and bugged and so didn’t want any phone contact with Eddie, nor did he feel safe visiting Eddie at his office. This secluded spot seemed to offer them the security that they needed.



Eddie has researched the deaths of the three lawyers who died in supposedly tragic circumstances. He seems to think that all three cases were suspicious. Why in particular did he think that the death of Alice Knauss was suspicious?

She died in a car accident when a drunk driver hit her car with a stolen truck; however the driver was never found or identified. A broken bottle of Jack Daniels led the police to conclude that the driver had been drunk.



What was Eddie’s opinion of Terrance, the FBI agent?

Eddie thought that Terrance was one of the FBI’s best agents who had been transferred to the area from New York around two years previously.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 16

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 16

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Sixteen

72 190 Mitch tells Abby that he has been contacted by an old friend from Western Kentucky. How had they met and for whom was his friend now working? Rick Acklin was now working for the FBI and had apparently happened to run into Mitch by chance, but then went on to tell him that he was being followed and his house was bugged.
73 193 After Mitch tells Abby everything which he has been told by the FBI, she suggests that they hire Eddie Lomax to search their house for listening devices. Mitch tells her that he has thought of that but decided against it. Why? If Eddie found something, then Mitch didn’t know what they could do. Secondly he was concerned that Eddie might disturb or break something and alert the firm to their suspicions and their involvement of a private detective.
74 194 Abby says that she feels sorry for whoever is monitoring the conversation in their house. Why? Because Mitch is so rarely home, there is very little conversation. Most conversation is between her and their pet dog, Heresay.

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