The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 30

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 30

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty

49 366 Why did Mitch visit West Junior High School? They have a running track which made it very popular for local runners including Mitch.
50 371 Mitch gives Tarrance until April 27th to make good on one of the terms of their contract. What was this and what did Mitch threated to do if the deadline wasn’t met? Mitch tells Tarrance that he has until April 27th to get his brother out of prison. If Tarrance failed in this mission, then Mitch promises to ‘disappear’.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 27

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 27

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty-Seven

34 328 Abby has received some bad news which demands her immediate departure from Memphis. What is this news? Abby’s father has informed her that the doctors have identified a tumour in one of Abby’s mother’s lungs.
35 332 When Tammy approaches Avery, she calls herself Libby. How does she come up with this pseudonym? Tammy had a sister called Libby.
36 333 Once Avery is drunk, Tammy starts to drink non-alcoholic beverages. Why is this? According to the author, she has business to take care of and so must remain sober.
37 334 What does Tammy add to Avery’s drink without his knowledge? Chloral Hydrate
38 336 Tammy tells Abby that Mitch believes that lawyers have a “sixth sense”. What does this enable them to detect and what does it mean for Abby and Tammy? According to Mitch, this enables them to “almost smell if a secretary or a clerk has been in a file”. This means that they must be very careful to hide their tracks.
39 338 Who was Mr Dantley, and how does he help Abby and Tammy? Mr Dantley was the only locksmith on the island that Tammy had been able to locate, and he helped them by making replica keys to open the briefcases.
40 343 When Avery finally wakes up, it is just after 9:00am. Why does this make him jump straight out of bed? He is already late for the bank, as he was supposed to be there by 9:00am.
41 345 By the time Abby and Tammy have finished making copies of the documents they have filled eleven and a half corrugated storage boxes. Where do they conceal this evidence? They hire a man from Cayman storage to transport and store the boxes for the next three months.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 29

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 29

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty-Nine

45 355 Why did Avery take the Lear jet at midnight on the morning of 10th April? He was summoned to Houston at the last moment for a meeting with Sonny Capps who threatened to go with a new tax firm.
46 359 What was the name of the restaurant in which a party was held to mark 15th April? Anderton’s Seafood restaurant
47 360 Lamar is concerned about Abby because he knows that she hasn’t set a date for her return. How does Lamar know this? He has a son who attends St. Andrew’s, the same school where Abby works. Consequentially he knows that Abby told the headmaster that she didn’t know when she would be back to work.
48 362 Who stood on a stool by the piano and led the assembled lawyers in a number of Australian drinking songs? Wally Hudson

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 28

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 28

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty-Eight

42 347 The McDeers are unwilling to provide the files to the FBI until they have been given the first million dollars. Where does Abby tell Tarrance to transfer the money? Abby tells Tarrance to transfer the money to a bank account in Freeport, Bahamas.
43 352 When Tammy passes through Miami customs, she is asked what she has in her bags. When she tells the agent that she has papers, she is asked what sort of paper. How does she respond? She jokes that she has bags and bags full of toilet paper.
44 353 Why does Tarry Ross meet Vinnie Cozo in the Western Phoenix Inn? Tarry Ross is the mob’s man inside the FBI. Cozo meets him to ask him to report on Mitch which he agrees to do, in two weeks’ time.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 31

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 31

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty-One

51 373 Nathan Locke usually takes three days off after 15th April to take a vacation in Vail, but this year has had his holiday cancelled by DeVasher. Who instructed DeVasher to do this? DeVasher had been instructed to cancel Locke’s holiday by Lazarov.
52 376 The Firm are very concerned about security and have a rule governing where a lawyer should keep the keys to his filing cabinets. According to DeVasher, Avery keeps his keys in his pocket during the day and hides them where at night? Under the mattress.
53 378-9 DeVasher has evidence that Avery had a woman in his bedroom whilst he was in the Cayman Islands. Despite their suspicions, DeVasher, Locke and Lambert have two reasons to conclude that she was not working with the ‘Fibbies’. What were these? First, they conclude that she wasn’t working for the FBI because her search of Avery’s files would have been illegal and the evidence inadmissible in a court of law. Secondly, they conclude that if she worked for the FBI she wouldn’t have made the telephone call from his house as it was an unprofessional move.
54 381 Ray seems irritated that Mitch hasn’t visited him more regularly over the past four months. In self-defence, Mitch points out that he has written. Roughly how many letters has he sent to Ray over this period? He has written every week for the last four months so will have written approximately sixteen times over this period.
55 382 When Mitch visits Ray in prison they talk in a mixture of English and Spanish. Why do you think they speak partially in Spanish? They are discussing Ray’s escape and do not want the guards to overhear their plans.
56 383 Who is Lee Stevens? Lee Stevens is Ray McDeere. Lee Stevens is his pseudonym once he has escaped from prison.
57 383 Who is staying at 480E, Savannah Creek Apartments in Brentwood? Abby is staying there.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 36

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 36

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty-Six

73 432 How does Mitch astound Laycock and Nokes when they ask him a series of security questions? Mitch astounds them by being able to provide the complicated and precise answers that they require from memory alone.
74 434 Mitch’s plans of escape are complicated when his brother is accused of a new crime, supposedly committed since he escaped prison. Why was Ray a prime suspect in this case? He was the prime suspect because he was an escaped convict who had previously been convicted of murder. Further, he was known to be in the vicinity when the offence occurred. The police simply “put two and two together” and placed Ray in the frame.

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