Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 18

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 18

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Eighteen (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN – The Third Miracle.
118 75 The following day was Thursday and so the class prepared themselves for their next lesson with Trunchball. What did Miss Honey tell the class that Trunchball would probably be testing them on? Miss Honey tells the class that Trunchball would most likely be testing them on their three-times table, as that is what they have been learning that week.
119 75 Trunchball picks on a young boy named Wilfred to test first of all. What does she ask him to do? Trunchball asks Wilfred to recite the three-times-table; backwards!
120 76 Trunchball continues to ask Wilfred a series of very difficult questions. What does she do to the unfortunate child when he is unable to answer the third question? Trunchball performed a trick on Wilfred and, using judo or karate, flipped the poor boy into the air before catching him by one of his ankles. She then held him upside down and continued to ask him questions.
121 77 Whilst Trunchball continued to pick on Wilfred, Nigel noticed something amazing happening at the other end of the classroom. A piece of chalk was hovering in the air, and then began to write on the blackboard. What was the first word that it wrote? The first word written by the mysterious piece of chalk was ‘Agatha’.
122 78 The mysterious piece of chalk continued to write on the board telling Agatha that it was being controlled by Magnus. What two things does it tell Agatha to give back to Jenny? The mysterious piece of chalk tells Agatha to give Jenny back her wages and her house.
123 78 In reaction to this overwhelming event, Trunchball faints and falls flat on her back. How does Nigel attempt to revive his headmistress? Nigel announces that his father has told him that the best way to revive a person who has fainted is to pour ice cold water over them. He therefore grabs Trunchball’s jug of water and tips it over her head.
124 79 The Matron is quick to arrive with a number of other people. How many people does it take to carry Trunchball to the sick-room? It took six people in total to carry Trunchball to the sick-room.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 17

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 17

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Seventeen (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

116 73 Matilda began to develop an idea for helping Miss Honey but to do so would require a great deal of work. What object does Matilda take from the sideboard to help her practice and was this ideal for what she had in mind? Matilda went to the side board and opened a draw where she knew her father kept a box of cigars. She took one of these to practice on. The cigar would be fine to practice on as its weight was about perfect, but it was perhaps a little thicker than she would have liked.
117 74 Matilda practiced tirelessly with the cigar, learning how to lift it into the air and hold it there for a prolonged period of time whilst moving it around at will. Every day, after she returned home from school, she would lock herself in her bedroom and practice with it. How many days did it take for Matilda to feel confident that she had mastered it? It took Matilda six days of practice to master being able to lift the cigar with nothing more than the power of her eyes and then move it around the air at will.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 16

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 16

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Sixteen (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

115 73 Matilda is amazed by this news. On the way back to her house she asks miss Honey three questions. What were these questions and what were the answers? The first question Matilda asks Miss Honey was ‘what did Trunchbull call your father around the house’, to which Miss Honey replied: Magnus. The second question was ‘what did your father call Trunchbull around the house’. The answer to which was Agatha. The third question was ‘what did they call you around the house’, the answer to which was Jenny.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 15

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 15

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Fifteen (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

CHAPTER FIFTEEN – Miss Honey’s Story.
109 66-67 Curious about why Miss Honey lived in such a simple way, Matilda asks her a few difficult questions about her lifestyle. After an awkward silence, Miss Honey opens up and tells Matilda about her childhood. Miss Honey’s father had been the village doctor and her mother had died when Miss Honey was still very young. Shortly after this first tragedy, Miss Honey’s father also died. How did this happen? Miss Honey’s father committed suicide. However Miss Honey tells Matilda that the death of her father had been very mysterious and no one could believe that he would have taken his own life.
110 68 After the death of her parents, Miss Honey was raised by her aunt who she describes as ‘a demon’ adding that her ‘life became a nightmare’. Why didn’t Miss Honey go to any of her other aunts, uncles or family members for help? Miss Honey tells Matilda that she couldn’t go to any other family member as they were all either dead, or they had gone to Australia.
111 69 Discussing her childhood in some detail, Miss Honey told Matilda that she had always been a bright pupil and, after she finished school, she had the grades to have been accepted into university. Why was she unable to go, however? Miss Honey was unable to go to university as she was needed around the house to do all the work for her aunt.
112 69 Even after Miss Honey started working as a teacher, she was still unable to escape her aunt who had a contract prepared which transferred the vast majority of Miss Honey’s salary straight to her bank account. How much money did Miss Honey get? Miss Honey only got £1a week pocket money, all the rest of her wages went straight to her aunt.
113 70 Miss Honey finally managed to escape when she persuaded a farmer to rent her the cottage I which she now lived. How much did the farmer charge Miss Honey in rent? The farmer couldn’t believe that anyone could live in the cottage as there was no running water or modern appliances. Miss Honey told him that she was a romantic and had fallen in love with the cottage and so he charged her just 10 pence per week.
114 71 Miss Honey tells Matilda that she thinks that her aunt forged documents showing that her father left the family home to her and not to Miss Honey. However Miss Honey was unable to contest this in a court of law for two reasons. First of all she had no money to hire a lawyer and secondly her aunt is a respected member of the community who is believed and trusted by many people in the village. What was the profession of Miss Honey’s aunt and what was her name. Miss Honey’s aunt was a school head mistress and was none other than Miss Trunchbull.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 14

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 14

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Fourteen (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

CHAPTER FOURTEEN – Miss Honey’s Cottage.
101 61 Amazed by what she had witnessed, Miss Honey asked Matilda if she would like to come home with her for tea. On the way to Miss Honey’s cottage, Matilda appears wildly excited and claims that she feels able to move anything she wants with nothing more than her mind. Miss Honey is more cautious. What reason does she give for this? Matilda is wildly excited by what she has achieved, but Miss Honey is more cautions because, she says, ‘we are dealing with the unknown’.
102 62 With Matilda wildly excited by everything which had happened that afternoon, Miss Honey decides to try and change the topic. How does she do this? Miss Honey decides to change the topic by pointing out all of the different types of trees that line their path, and helps the young girl to be able to distinguish one from the other by the shape of their leaves and the pattern of their bark.
103 63 When they finally reach Miss Honey’s tiny, red brick cottage, she tells Matilda that she always thinks of a few lines of poetry every time that she walks up the path leading to her house. What is the name of the poet who wrote this poem? Dylan Thomas wrote the poem that Miss Honey always thinks of when she walks up the path that leads to her house.
104 64 Why doesn’t Miss Honey require a key to open her front door? Miss Honey doesn’t require a key to open her front door because there is no lock to open.
105 64 Miss Honey asked Matilda to use the well to get her a glass of water. Matilda is amazed and admits that it is the first time that she has ever used a well. Matilda is especially bemused at how Miss Honey could get enough water for a bath. What does Miss Honey tell Matilda that she does instead of taking a bath? Miss Honey tells Matilda that she washes ‘standing up. I get a bucketful of water and I heat it on this little stove and I strip and wash myself all over.’
106 64 Miss Honey tells Matilda that she is very poor. What fact, about what Miss Honey serves for tea, convinces Matilda of this fact. When Miss Honey spreads margarine instead of butter on the bread, Matilda is convinced that Miss Honey must be very poor.
107 65 What does Miss Honey use instead of a table and chairs? Instead of a table and chairs Miss honey simply has three upturned boxes that she uses for the same purpose.
108 65 Whilst eating the bread and margarine prepared by Miss Honey, Matilda thinks about what she would be eating if she was at home. What would this most likely be? If Matilda was at home she would have most likely been ‘tucking into’ buttered toast with strawberry jam followed by a piece of sponge cake.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 13

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 13

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Thirteen (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

CHAPTER THIRTEEN – The Second Miracle.
98 58 Whilst the other children left the classroom and walked towards the playground, Matilda decided that she needed to confide in Miss Honey. Before telling her about what had really happened with the glass of water, Matilda asked Miss Honey if she would really be expelled. What did Miss Honey tell Matilda? Miss Honey told Matilda that it was very unlikely that she would be expelled. Most likely, according to Miss Honey, Trunchbull had just ‘got a little over-excited’.
99 59 After Matilda finally tells Miss Honey about how she had ‘willed the glass to fall over’, the teacher is quite certain that Matilda isn’t meaning to lie, but is caught up in a flight of fantasy. She decides to put an end to the matter as quickly as possible but also gently. How does she try to do this and was she successful? Convinced that she would fail, Miss Honey decides to put an end to Matilda’s flight of fantasy by asking the young girl to repeat the magical feat. Miss Honey’s plan to put an end to the matter was not at all successful, as Matilda was indeed able to repeat the magical feat at will.
100 60 When Miss Honey sees the glass topple over she is nothing short of amazed. When she looks at Matilda, she notices that the young girl seems to be very far away. Where does Matilda say that she was when asked by Miss Honey? When Miss Honey tells Matilda that she seemed so far away after performing the magical feat, Matilda tells her teacher that she shouldn’t worry because she was just ‘flying past the stars on silver wings’.

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