The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 19

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 19

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Nineteen

83 219 Why does Avery tell Mitch that he was lucky to have been accepted at the firm, rather than taking a job on Wall Street? Avery tells Mitch that on Wall street, the big companies hire large numbers of lawyers who they ‘run into the ground’. Over work and under pay until half of them leave. Unlike Mitch, junior lawyers at these firms never get to see the company limo or Lear Jet.
84 221 When Avery reaches the Cayman islands he has twenty five boxes unloaded from the pane. What do these boxes contain? Cash. Six and a half million dollars.
85   During the conference registration, Mitch is approached by Grant Harbison. Who is Harbison and what does he give Mitch? Grant Harbison is an FBI agent and gives mitch his card and an envelope containing a note from F. Denton Voyles, the Director of the FBI, asking to see Mitch for a few moments during lunch.
86 225-226 Who was Rusty McDeere and how did he die. Rusty McDeere was Mitch’s brother. He died in Vietnam after stepping on a landmine.
87 228 When Mitch finally meets Director Voyles, he is given some shocking news which connects all five of the firm’s lawyers to have died in mysterious circumstances. What is this? He is told that no lawyer has ever left the company. Five have tried, and they each were killed.
88 228 Mitch is told that the company is not really owned by the partners. Who does really own the firm? The Morolto family. A mafia family based in Chicago.
89 229 Director Voyles tells Mitch that the FBI never had any contact with the first three lawyers who worked for the firm and died mysteriously. Why was this? The FBI only became aware of the firm’s activities seven years ago. Since then they have had the company under heavy surveillance.
90 230 When an associate is going to be given a partnership, he is told the truth about the company. Voyles says that the company gives the candidate ‘a choice he can’t refuse’. What is this choice and do you think it means? He is given the choice between becoming a multi-millionaire and having his picture hung in the library. Each of the five lawyers who tried to leave had their portraits hung in the library. They are thus given the choice between being murdered or becoming a partner and making obscene amounts of money.
91 233 Director Voyles tells Mitch all about Locke’s history. Outline how he ended up in Memphis. Locke grew up as a poor kid in Chicago and started running errands for Morolto from the age of ten. After he managed to ‘scratch through law school’ he was sent to work at the Firm as he was always a favourite of Morolto.
92 235 Mitch tells Director Voyles that ‘the mob never forgets’. What do you think he means by this. Voyles has offered to protect and relocate Mitch if he cooperates. Mitch is concerned that the Mob will never stop looking for him and so even if he is safe for ten years or more, eventually the mob will find him and exact their revenge.
93 236 Why was Mitch selected by the FBI for this task? The FBI decided that he was perfect as he had no family except his wife. He had been hurt by everyone he had ever met, except Abby. He raised himself and in so doping became self-reliant. All of this means that he doesn’t need the firm. He is strong enough and independent enough to walk away and bring the firm down in the process.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 22

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 22

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty-Two

7 264 The leasing agent should be trying to secure a deal with Tammy, but seems less interested in doing business with her than he is in doing something else. What is preoccupying the leasing agent as he shows her the available office space? He is very attracted to Tammy who is wearing very tight and seductive clothing. He repeatedly considers how he could seduce her.
9 266 Why does Tammy tell the leasing agent that her name is Doris Greenwood? She had arranged with Mitch to use her mother’s name to prevent anyone from suspecting who she really was.
10 270 Mitch goes to great lengths to take a specific ‘greyhound’ bus. For what reason is he determined to be on this particular bus? He has arranged a secret meeting with Tarrance on the bus.
11 272 On what basis does Mitch tell Tarrance that he would be losing ‘twenty million bucks’ if he cooperated with the FBI. He argues that he would be throwing away a forty year career with an average salary of half a million dollars a year.
12 273 If Mitch works with the FBI, how long would he be required for. After recovering documents to build a case against the firm, he would be required to testify at a lengthy court case which could take years according to Tarrance.
13 274 Mitch is concerned that even after he is relocated and given a new identity, the mob will still track him down. What does he mean when he says that the mob is “worse than elephants”? It is said that an elephant never forgets.  He is therefore suggesting that the Mob have an even longer memory than an elephant.
14 279 Tarrance is very concerned about security. He gives Mitch a code number which he is instructed to use when making contact via telephone. This code number is 1-4-1-4. How does Tarrance come up with this number? Tarrance combines the number Mitch wore when playing football at high school (14) with the number he wore when playing at college (14).

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 23

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 23

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty-Three

15 282 Mitch succeeds in secretly giving Tammy a batch of files to be photocopied. How is this achieved? They both take an elevator. They have matching briefcases and discreetly exchange luggage.
16 284 We know that Mitch is opposed to smoking and prohibits in his car and, when he can, in his house. Why then, at Abby’s 25th Birthday celebrations, does Mitch buy a packet of Marlboro Lights? He has been instructed to do so by Tarrance. The FBI has deposited a secret audio tape in the cigarette machine which Mitch recovers at the same time as buying the cigarettes.
17 286 When Mitch listens to the secret tape given to him by the FBI, he discovers how much money he will be compensated with if he elects to help their investigation. Is the compensation closer to what the FBI first offered him, or to what he demanded from them? The FBI had first offered him half a million dollars, but he had demanded three million dollars. Their offer of one million dollars is closer to their first offer than his initial demand.
18 289 On the tape, Tarrance makes it clear that their offer is final. The FBI would not pay a single cent more to Mitch for his help. Does Mitch believe that this is their final offer? No. He is certain that it is still negotiable and believes that they would get around twice as much for their compliance.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 24

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 24

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty-Four

19 290 Avery invites Mitch to dine with the partners. Why does Mitch at first want to make an excuse why he can’t attend? He doesn’t like the idea of dining with criminals. He also knows that they will all be studying him, trying to asses if he is still loyal.
20 292 Over lunch, the partners bring up the topic of his imminent holiday to the Cayman islands. One of the partners suggests that he learns how to scuba dive, recommending a diving lodge called ‘Rum point Divers’. What does Mitch think that this piece of advice really means? Mitch interprets this advice to mean ‘stay away from Abanks’, the father of the boat captain killed when Marty and Joe were killed.
21 295 Why does Mitch drive to the 4-55, a busy all night truck stop on the I-55? He drives there because he is due to meet Tarrance there.
22 298 Tarrance and Mitch agree on two million dollars in compensation. The first million would be paid when Mitch supplies sufficient evidence to indict the company. When will Mitch get paid the second million? Mitch would be paid the second million once he has testified against the firm for the last time.
23 298 Once the financial compensation has been agreed, Mitch makes a new demand of the FBI. What is this and why do you think he makes it? Mitch demands that the FBI arrange for his brother to get out of prison and go into hiding with him. In addition to wanting his company, Mitch is probably concerned that his brother would be an easy target for the mob, especially as he is in prison.
24 299 What are ‘sweat files’? ‘Sweat files’ are dummy files which have been around for years. They are big, heavy files which require hundreds of hours of work. They look like legitimate clients but in reality they may not be and are an effective way to bring new lawyers in to the conspiracy slowly.
25 301 At the end of chapter twenty-four, Mitch warns Tarrance that ‘it is non-negotiable’. What is he talking about when he says this? He is talking about his brother. He is warning Tarrance that this aspect of the deal cannot be altered if the FBI wants his assistance.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 25

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 25

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty-Five

26 304 Once io the Cayman Islands, Mitch found himself thinking back to his last trip there with Avery. He especially found himself thinking about the girl he had kissed. He wasn’t too worried about running into her on this occasion, however. Why was this? Mitch thought the chances of running into the girl were fairly remote. He had come to the conclusion that she had been hired by DeVasher to ensnare him, and it would therefore be unlikely that she was on the island during this visit.
27 308 Mitch travels to Cayman Brac where he meets Tarrance. Tarrance warns him that he is being watched and followed. One of the men who is on his tail is commonly known as “two-ton Tony”. Why does he have this nick-name? Two Ton Tony has this nick name because he weighs at least three hundred pounds.
28 315 Who is Keith Rock? He works as a gofer for Abanks.
29 316 The Shipwreck Bar seems unlike other bars on the island. Why is this, according to Abanks? It is used as a ‘hangout’ for wealthy drug-dealers who visit the island to inspect their property.
30 317 Tarrance arranged to meet Mitch at the only KFC franchise on the island. Why had be chosen this particular location and had he been right to do so? Tarrance had suspected the restaurant would be empty because the food served at KFC was notoriously bad on the Island. The restaurant proved to be a terrible location to meet, however, as the restaurant was full of American tourists making it hard to tell if their conversation was being monitored by anyone.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 26

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 26

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty-Six

31 322 DeVasher is most suspicious about one aspect of Mitch’s holiday. What was this? DeVasher is suspicious about why Mitch went out with Abanks and what they spoke about.
32 323 Why did Lazarov like the Hourglass Tavern Because it was ‘dark and private conversations were possible there’.
33 325 What does Lazarov ask Tubertini to do for him when they meet in the Hourglass Tavern? Tubertini is said to have a contact inside the FBI who can provide information about their activities. Lazarov would like to know if Mitch is working with the FBI and asks Tubertini to find out the answer from his contact.

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