The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 32

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 32

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty-Two

58 386 When Mitch visits Avery in hospital he is told that Avery has suffered a heart attack, however what is the real reason for Avery to be in hospital and how do we know this? DeVasher told Locke and Lambert that Lazarov wanted Avery suspended from work enabling Mitch to be transferred to another partner. However, to prevent Mitch from becoming suspicious, they agreed that Avery would be told to check into the hospital under the pretence of a heart attack instead but with the same results.
59 390 The Firm offer to buy Mitch a brand new BMW to replace the one which was ‘stolen’. As usual, Mitch is asked to specify the colour. Mitch tells Lambert that he is tired of black and wants burgundy for a change. What is the real reason that Mitch is adamant that he wants this colour. Mitch has hired his own replacement car which he will have until replaced by a new BMW. Mitch knows that the new car will be bugged and so with the intention of stalling the process he visits the BMW dealership and picks out a colour which they don’t have to force them to order the car from elsewhere which will in turn delay its arrival.
60 393 Tarrance wants Mitch to get copies of the files stored in the basement of the firm, but Mitch tells him that it would be impossible for him to do so. Mitch does, however, have a plan for how they can get their hands on those documents in the long run. What is this plan? Mitch has a prodigious number of files which would secure indictments for at least half the office, but more importantly would secure a search warrant for the FBI. With this in place, they can simply walk into the office and demand to be taken into the basement to see the files themselves.
61 395 Mitch gives Tarrance the code name “Mary Alice” for Tammy. He comes up with this name based on the name of Tarrance’s date at his senior prom. Why couldn’t he use Tarrance’s mother’s name? Tarrance’s mother’s name was Doris. Mitch rejects this as a suitable codename because it is the same as Tammy’s mother’s name and the source of her codename in the outside world making it unsuitable for this purpose.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 35

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 35

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty-Five

71 422 On her journey to Perdido Beach, Abby sees someone she recognises. Where had she seen this person before? Abby has seen this person before in The Shipwreak Bar.
72 427 What first alerts Ray to the fact that the blonde woman who checks into the hotel as Rachel James may be following Abby? The woman is wearing sunglasses even though it was nearly midnight.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 34

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 34

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty-Four

66 407 Why do you think that Director Voyles shakes his head in disbelief when he sees Tarry Ross ? Ross has been selling FBI secrets to the mob when he is intercepted by the FBI. Voyles shakes his head in disbelief because he found it hard to believe that Ross was a traitor.
67 410 Now that DeVasher has proof that Mitch has been working for the FBI, he plans to have Mitch eliminated. Outline his plan. Mitch is set to travel to the Cayman Islands the following day. There will be trouble with the private Lear Jet resulting in the plane crashing, killing Mitch in the process.
68 412 In case of an emergency, Tarrance had supplied Mitch with what he described as a Mayday code. What was this code? The code word was Judge Hugo.
69 415-6 In an attempt to escape, Mitch gives the nineteen year old shop clerk who worked in the haberdashery a large sum of money in return for his help. In total, how much money does Mitch hand over to the shop clerk? $10,500. He gives him $10,000 in return for his help in misdirecting the men who were pursuing him, and a further $500 for the clothes he bought.
70 417 Who is Rachael Jones? Rachael Jones is the pseudonym to be used by Abby when she checks in to Perdido Beach Hilton.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 33

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 33

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty-Three

62 396 Nina asks Mitch if his law school taught him about ‘turf’. What did Mitch tell Nina to warrant this rebuke and what rule had Mitch broken? Mitch informs Nina that he will be meeting Frank Mulholland on his ‘home turf’ for the second time in a row. This breaks the ‘turf’ rule, which states that a lawyer shouldn’t give up the ‘home advantage’ in consecutive meetings.
63 400 Tammy has had to do a great deal of travelling during her work with Mitch. How much money all together does she tell him that she has spent on airfares, hotels, luggage and rental cars? $10,000
64 402 Ray’s escape seems to have been planned to the smallest detail. Who was in charge of making the specific arrangements within the prison itself and where was this person on the evening of Ray’s escape? Warden Lattemar made these plans himself and was present in one of the guard towers to ensure that all went according to plan.
65 403 Once over the wall, Ray is met by a man who introduces himself as Bud Riley. What services does Riley usually provide to the warden? Bud Riley is usually called upon to track an escaped convict with the help of his dogs. On this occasion, however, he is there to help Ray get away from the prison.

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 02

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 02

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Two (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

CHAPTER TWO – Mr Wormwood, The Great Car Dealer.



Matilda’s father was a second-hand car dealer. One day he tells Matilda and her brother about one of the tricks which he uses to help him sell more cars. What does he need sawdust for?

Mr Wormwood tells his children that second-hand cars, which have had their gears worn-out by their previous owners, can be bought very cheaply. They can then be sold for a large profit if sawdust is mixed with the oil as this will temporarily stop the gears from rattling.



In addition to cars with worn-out gears, Mr Wormwood also knows a way of making a large profit on cars which have done a lot of miles. What is this trick?

Mr Wormwood tells his children that you can’t change the milometer on modern cars, like you could on older models, but you can alter them as the milometer runs backwards whilst the car is in reverse. Rather than drive them backwards for hundreds of thousands of miles, however, Mr Wormwood disconnects the cable and uses a drill to trick the milometer into running backwards at an incredible speed.



What does Matilda think about the ‘trade secrets’ that her father uses to trick customers into buying his cars?

Matilda thinks that her father’s tricks are dishonest and that he is cheating people.



Dahl describes Mrs Wormwood’s physical appearance in some detail. She is a large woman who wore lots of makeup and had ‘platinum blond’ hair, ‘except where you could see the mousy-brown bits growing out from the roots’. What does Dahl mean by this?

Dahl means that Mrs Wormwood has bleached her hair a very light shade of blond. Her hair is naturally ‘mousy-brown’ and so if you look at the roots of her hair you can see her natural colour growing out.



Matilda finds herself feeling very angry at her parents and especially frustrated about being called ‘ignorant’ and stupid. That night, as Matilda lay in her bed, she made a decision. What was this?

Matilda decided that ‘every time her father or her mother was beastly to her, she would get her own back in some way or another’. As her father had upset her that evening, he would be first on the list!

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Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 19

Matilda By Roald Dahl Chapter 19

Matilda by Roald Dahl Summary (Question and Answer)

Chapter Nineteen (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

125 79 The following day, when Trunchball failed to arrive at school, Mr Trilby, the deputy head of the school, goes in search of the headmistress. When he visits Trunchball’s house he is surprised to find the front door unlocked. When he starts to investigate inside the house he discovers that everything seems to be in order. On closer inspection, however, he discovers something to his surprise. What was this? When Mr Trilby opens up the cupboards and drawers inside the house, he is surprised to find them all empty. Finally he concludes that she has run away.
126 79 On the second day after Trunchbull’s disappearance, Miss Honey received a letter. What good news did this letter deliver? This letter was from a firm of local solicitors and it informed Miss Honey that her father’s will had finally been found. It declared that the house, along with his life-savings, were to go to his daughter in the event of his death.
127 80 Trunchball’s disappearance is also good news for the school where Mr Triby now became Headmaster. Among the positive changes he made was to move Matilda up to the top form where she excelled. After a number of weeks, during which Matilda and Miss Honey became even closer friends, Matilda told her something strange had happened – she could no longer move objects with the power of her eyes. Miss Honey was not at all surprised to hear this, however. How does Miss Honey explain the loss of her powers? Miss Honey suggests that the reason why Matilda had been able to develop her ability to move objects with her eyes in the first place was because she had nothing to do in class. All of the frustration and energy created by her enormous brain kept being bottled up until Matilda learned how to shoot it out from her eyes. Things were different now, however. As Matilda had been transferred to the top form, all of the energy her brain was creating was now being used up during the lessons.
128 81 When Matilda returned home from Miss Honey’s house, she was greeted by a buzz of activity. What was going on? Her parents told her that they were all packing their suitcases and would be moving to Spain that very evening.
129 82 With this news, Matilda went straight back to Miss Honey’s house to tell her what was going on. Was Miss Honey surprised to hear this news, and why did she think it was happening? Miss Honey was not at all surprised to hear that the Wormwoods were leaving the country. She tells Matilda that it was common knowledge throughout the village that Mr Wormwood was working with a bunch of criminals. Miss Honey supposed that the police were now involved and so he was running away to Spain.
130 83 Matilda tells Miss Honey that she doesn’t want to leave with her family. On what condition does Miss Honey tell Matilda that she can live with her? Miss Honey tells Matilda that it would be ‘heaven’ to live together, but only on one condition; if Matilda’s parents agree to it.
131 84 Matilda and Miss Honey rush as quickly as they can to see the Wormwoods. They explain that Matilda would rather stay in England and ask permission for her to live with Miss Honey. What is her parent’s attitude to this question? The Wormwoods don’t seem particularly bothered about losing their daughter saying that it would be ‘one less to look after’. As Matilda and Miss Honey hug each other joyously, the Wormwoods drive away. Matilda’s brother waved to his sister out of the rear window of the car but her parents don’t even look back and just drive off.

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