The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 41

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 41

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Forty-One

89 486 How much money does Mitch tell George he got away with? Eight Million Dollars.
90 490 Mitch makes an ‘admission’ to Abby when he tells her that he never wanted to be a lawyer. What does he tell her that he really wanted to be? A sailor!

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 40

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 40

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Forty

87 481 Mitch, Abby and Ray are jumped by the ‘Nordic’ as they wait at the beach. After overpowering him, Ray says that they have two choices for how they deal with him. What is this choice between? Ray gives them the choice between drowning him and shooting him.
88 483 Just as the desperate party is about to give up waiting, a familiar face appears to pick them up. Who were they waiting for at the beach? Abanks.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 39

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 39

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty-Nine

82 465 When Andy tells Mitch that he had overheard a conversation between police officers who reported that the search for them had now been called off in this area, he noted that Mitch didn’t seem very pleased. Why was this? Mitch confided in Andy that it was now more dangerous than before. The police just wanted to arrest him, but there were others who wanted to kill him.
83 466 Andy offers to drive them out of town by concealing them in his car. How much money does Andy ask for to do this? $100, 000
84 471 When Tammy telephones Tarrance she gives him some good news and some bad news. The bad news was that the FBI had been very close to finding Mitch when they acted on a false tip-off. What was the good news? Tammy told Tarrance that he would be getting the incriminating evidence after all.
85 473 We are finally told what Mitch had earlier bought the video camera for. What was its purpose? Mitch had used the video camera to record a series of video depositions for any future court case.
86 476 Why had Ray gone to the store where he was recognised by Lamar Quinn? Ray had wanted to buy a beer. Mitch had tried to persuade him to not take any chances but Ray was adamant and walked to the store.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 38

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 38

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty-Eight




Reviewing the evidence, Lazarov comes to the conclusion that Mitch and Abby do not have access to any fake IDs. On what basis does he conclude this?

Both Abby and Mitch had used their real IDs to hire the cars that they had been using.



Lazarov orders his ‘lieutenants’ to the dock where they are instructed to hire every single fishing vessel they can lay their hands on. Why does Lazarov want them to do this?

Lazarov has concluded that as the roads are blockaded and the airports are under surveillance, the last best chance for Mitch to get away is by sea. He therefore intends to head him off.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 37

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 37

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirty-Seven

76 444 The FBI had warrants ready for the arrest of Mitch, Abby and Ray. What were the crimes supposedly committed by Mitch? Obstruction of Justice, racketeering and mail fraud.
77 448 Why does the FBI contact Mr Ainsworth in their search for Mitch and Ray? What Does Ainsworth think of Mitch and Ray? Ainsworth is the step father of Mitch and Ray since he married their mother. Mr Ainsworth claims to have always thought that they were crazy.
78 450-1 Andy Patrick was the manager of The Seagull’s Rest, where Mitch was staying When the police paid him a visit and showed him a picture of the people they were looking for, Andy recognised the pictures but was uncooperative claiming not to recognise them. Why does Andy do this? Andy had been to prison as a teenager and hated the experience. He had a low opinion of the police and therefore wanted to help Mitch, Ray and Abby escape from them. He later tells Ray that he heard that he had escaped from prison and as he too had been to prison, he thought everyone should escape.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 02

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 02

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Two

Chapter TWO
11 17 Anthony Bendini, the founder of the firm, is described to have one great passion. What was this and how did it impact upon how the Firm operated? Bendini’s passion was secrecy. As a result the Firm developed a strict confidential policy which covered just about every aspect of the company. Those who broke this rule were told that they would never make partner.
12 20

Pick the two words which would best describe the group of associates to whom Mitchell was introduced when he first arrived at the Firm’s headquarters.


1.      Meek

2.      Affluent

3.      Outgoing

4.      Good looking

5.      Confident

2 and 4
13 21-22 Why does Oliver Lambert only hire old, homely and plump secretaries? It is all part of his plan to stop philandering. He tries to make the secretaries as unattractive as is reasonably possible.
14 26 Whilst sharing coffee with Abby, Kay Quinn tells her that Mitchell will be expected to work over eighty hours each week and sometimes more. What does Kay say will help Abby not mind her husband working such long hours? Kay reminds Abby how much money Mitchell will be earning and invites her to see some of the houses owned by some of the partners, a prospect which will certainly help Abby forget about the long hours Mitchell will be working.
15 27 Kay describes the Firm as a ‘family’ however Abby seems less convinced. What are her concerns about the firm after discussing it with Kay? Kay describes the firm in an affectionate manner but makes it clear that it is very demanding, on both employees and their wives. Kay seems concerned that it is too prescriptive in terms of the lifestyle they expect to be led by their employees and their families.
16 28-29 The restaurant run by Jessie and Roosevelt Francis prepares ‘traditional southern food’. What does everything have in common according to Mr. McKnight? Everything is battered and fried in animal fat.
17 31-32 Kay tells Abby that the firm doesn’t hire anyone with family money. What reason does she give for this? The firm doesn’t want its employees to be independently wealthy as this removes the financial incentive to work long hours.
18 35 Royce McKnight tells Mitchell that the company offers a very competitive pension plan. What is the one condition under which the employee would only be given the money that they paid in without the generous contributions to the plan made by the company? If the employee leaves in the first twenty years then they will only get the money which they have paid into the plan.

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