The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 02

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 02

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Two

Chapter TWO
11 17 Anthony Bendini, the founder of the firm, is described to have one great passion. What was this and how did it impact upon how the Firm operated? Bendini’s passion was secrecy. As a result the Firm developed a strict confidential policy which covered just about every aspect of the company. Those who broke this rule were told that they would never make partner.
12 20

Pick the two words which would best describe the group of associates to whom Mitchell was introduced when he first arrived at the Firm’s headquarters.


1.      Meek

2.      Affluent

3.      Outgoing

4.      Good looking

5.      Confident

2 and 4
13 21-22 Why does Oliver Lambert only hire old, homely and plump secretaries? It is all part of his plan to stop philandering. He tries to make the secretaries as unattractive as is reasonably possible.
14 26 Whilst sharing coffee with Abby, Kay Quinn tells her that Mitchell will be expected to work over eighty hours each week and sometimes more. What does Kay say will help Abby not mind her husband working such long hours? Kay reminds Abby how much money Mitchell will be earning and invites her to see some of the houses owned by some of the partners, a prospect which will certainly help Abby forget about the long hours Mitchell will be working.
15 27 Kay describes the Firm as a ‘family’ however Abby seems less convinced. What are her concerns about the firm after discussing it with Kay? Kay describes the firm in an affectionate manner but makes it clear that it is very demanding, on both employees and their wives. Kay seems concerned that it is too prescriptive in terms of the lifestyle they expect to be led by their employees and their families.
16 28-29 The restaurant run by Jessie and Roosevelt Francis prepares ‘traditional southern food’. What does everything have in common according to Mr. McKnight? Everything is battered and fried in animal fat.
17 31-32 Kay tells Abby that the firm doesn’t hire anyone with family money. What reason does she give for this? The firm doesn’t want its employees to be independently wealthy as this removes the financial incentive to work long hours.
18 35 Royce McKnight tells Mitchell that the company offers a very competitive pension plan. What is the one condition under which the employee would only be given the money that they paid in without the generous contributions to the plan made by the company? If the employee leaves in the first twenty years then they will only get the money which they have paid into the plan.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 04

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 04

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Four

Chapter FOUR
21 46 When Mitch and Abby arrive at their new house, Mitch isn’t very interested when the interior designer pays them a visit to discuss how they wold like their house decorated, instead he seem more preoccupied with something else. What is this? The BMW which he repeatedly takes for ‘test drives’, leaving Abby to settle the arrangements with the interior decorator.
22 47 When the McDeere’s visit the Quins, they find Kay very upset. Why is this? Kay is upset at the news that Kozinski and Hodge had been killed whilst scuba diving.
23 50 McDeere’s could not remember meeting Hodge however Lamar told him that they had something in common. What was this? They were both ‘Harvard men’.
24 54 Kozinski’s funeral was held at a Cathedral. Who read the eulogy and how might you describe it. Oliver Lambert read the eulogy and it was described as being both elegant and touching.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 06

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 06

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Six

Chapter SIX
31 72

Pick the word which most closely expresses Mitch’s first impression of Nathan Locke.


1)      Shy

2)      Ignorant

3)      Melancholy

4)      Evil

5)      nonchalant

32 72 What line of business is Sonny Capps in? Sonny Caps is in the shipping industry. He built the largest towing company on the Mississippi River and now has ships all over the world.
33 75 The reader learns from a conversation between Locke, Lambert and DeVasher that the death of Kozinski and Hodge was no accident. We also learn that a third man died at the same time. Who was he and why was he murdered too? He was a native of the Cayman Islands. His death was to make the accident look more convincing.
34 79 According to Randall Dunbar, why is Real Estate Law the most important part of the bar exam? Because everything goes back to property

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 05

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 05

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Five

Chapter FIVE
25 56 Royce McKnight informs Mitch that the firm always pairs an associate with a partner. On what basis is this done and what is the name of the partner paired with Mitch? The firm pairs associates and partners on the basis of compatibility to ensure a close working partnership can develop. Mitch is paired with Avery Tolleson.
26 58 When Mitch meets McKnight he is given a surprise. What is it and how does Mitch react. Mcknight informs Mitch that the company will settle his student debt. It is something which they always do for new associates. Mitch is pleased and reacts with a mixture of surprise and perhaps a little embarrassment.
27 59 What does Avery tell Mitch is the ‘quickest way to a reprimand’? To forget to bill his clients.
28 61 What rule does Avery break during lunch in the Manhattan Club with Mitch? The firm doesn’t allow drinking during lunch yet Avery orders a Bombay Martini on the rocks.
29 64 Who is Nina Huff, and for what reason does Mitch think she was never married? Nina Huff is Mitch’s new secretary. Mitch thinks that she is unattractive and overweight and thinks that this is the reason that she never got married.
30 67 Lamar tells Mitch that ‘the great firms have been built by padding files’. What does he mean by this? ‘Padding’ means to bill for more time than you actually spend working for a client. Lamar therefore means that the greatest firms have built their empires by overbilling clients.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 07

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 07

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Seven

Chapter SEVEN  
35 84-85 Oliver Lambert called Mitch to his office to tell him two things. What were these? Firstly he invited Mitch and Abby for a luxurious nine course meal on Saturday. Secondly he reminded Mitch about the need for client confidentiality, informing him that he isn’t to discuss his client’s case with anyone, not even his wife and certainly not any other lawyers who9 might approach him.
36 90 Abby has a very pleasant conversation with one of her neighbours, Mr Rice. He tells her that Mrs Rice isn’t doing very well. What is wrong with her? Mrs Rice has cancer and doctors give her a year to live.
37 92 Who is Dutch, and how does he know that Mitch plans to stay in the office all night? Dutch is a security agent who is monitoring Mitch. The security services are monitoring Mitch’s telephone calls and learn his plans from his telephone call with his wife.
38 95 What does Abby serve Mitch for breakfast and why? Veal piccata. She had cooked it for dinner the night before but he hadn’t made it home so she reheated it for breakfast.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 08

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 08

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Eight

Chapter EIGHT
39 97 On a Saturday, Mitch dresses in a very casual way even though he is going into the office. Why is this? There were no clients in the office over the weekend and so there was no dress code.
40 99 Whilst Abby and Mitch had dinner with Oliver Lambert, what was going on in their house? The security services broke into their house and proceeded to plant a number of devices designed to enable them to spy on the McDeeres.

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