The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 13

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 13

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Thirteen

54 142 Avery informed Mitch that Lambert and McKnight had some concerns about him. What are these? They were concerned that Mitch was working too many hours and was in danger of neglecting his wife and ‘burning out’.
55 144 Avery and Mitch travel together to the Cayman islands. Why does Avery inform Mitch that his wife will be unable to accompany them? Wives are not permitted on work trips.
56 147 Whilst in ‘Rumheads’, Avery tells Mitch about what he would like to do when he retires. What are Avery’s plans and do you think that he is being serious? Avery tells Mitch that he would like to spend his retirement playing dominoes and darts whilst drinking Red stripe. Avery is likely caught up in the moment and not serious.
57 149 Mitch and Avery have dinner with ‘two beautiful half naked women’. What does Avery tell them about Mitch to make one of the women start to ‘drool and move closer to him’. Avery told them that Mitch had earned a fortune playing football for the Giants and had earned two super bowl rings before a knee injury had ruined his career.
58 152 Mitch meets a beautiful woman and walks along the beach with her. He is tempted to cheat on Abby. What event from college does he remember which makes him wonder if he could get away with it. Before he was married, but after he was engaged to Abby, he had cheated on her without any serious consequences whilst at college.
59 157 After their meeting with Osgood, Avery tells Mitch about an ‘unwritten rule of the office’. What is this rule, and what do you think that it means? ‘What happens away from Memphis stays away from Memphis.’ By this, Avery means that the lawyers can do whatever they want outside of Memphis, and no one will ever bring news of it back to Memphis.
60 160 When they first met, Osgood invited Mitch and Avery to join him for lunch but Avery declined saying that they both had a previous engagement. Mitch was unaware of any previous engagement but later discovered what Avery had planned. What was this? Avery had arranged to meet up with the woman he had met the night before.
61 161 When in the Georgetown Library, why does Mitch look through old editions of The Daily Caymanian for? He looks for information about the deaths of Kozinski, Hodge and their native captain.
62 161 Whilst in the library, Mitch sees something which makes him suspicious. What is this? He notices that there is a green Corvette which he thinks has been following him.
63 165 Why does Mitch want to meet Barry Abanks? Barry Abanks is the father of the native captain who was killed at the same time as Kozinski and Hodge, and Mitch hopes that he may have some more information about what happened.
64 167

Pick out the word which best describes how Barry Banks feels about the death of his son:


1)      Devastated

2)      Accepting

3)      Suspicious

4)      Relieved

3.      Suspicious

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 14

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 14

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Fourteen




Mitch considered telling Abby the truth about what happened on the beach in the Cayman Islands but ‘decides to go with Plan B’. What is Plan B?

To surprise her at the school where she worked and take her out for dinner at her favourite restaurant.



Devasher meets with Oliver Lamont to give him some new information about Mitch. What is it and why does DeVasher think is its significance?

DeVasher informs Lamont that the woman who Mitch met in the Cayman Islands was in fact a prostitute, hired by the firm to ensnare Mitch. They had photographers following them who took photos of the entire event for evidence. DeVasher thinks that this now means that they ‘own Mitch’ and that he will stay loyal to the firm no matter what.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 17

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 17

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Seventeen

75 195 Abby phoned her parents early Christmas morning. Why did they tell her that they were disappointed? Her parents told Abby that they were disappointed that Mitch wasn’t going to join her when she visited them later in the day.
76 196 When Mitch sets off on the Interstate 55, he stopped every sixty minutes on the hard shoulder. Why was this? He stopped to let Heresay ‘do his business’, but he also took the opportunity to see if he was being followed.
77 201 Who does Mitch hope to see at the Waffle house at midnight on Christmas day? His mother who works there.
78 204 Eddie Lomax is murdered after being hired by a desperate new client. Describe the plot used to entrap and kill him. A new client offered Lomax a great deal of money to take on a case at very short notice. Travelling to the car park of a motel, Lomax waits to take some photos on behalf of the client however it is all a set up and he is shot dead by a man waiting in a van behind his car. The supposed new client then leaves in the same van as the assassin.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 18

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 18

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Eighteen

79 206 The twenty-eighth of December is a special day in the life of the firm every year. Why? Each year, on the twenty-eighth, there is a lavish lunch party thrown on the fifth floor for all of the partners. Over lunch, each partner’s billing records is read out and compared. The total company profit is assessed and each partner is given a handsome bonus. Smaller bonuses are given to each associate.
80 210 After the celebration on the fifth floor, the partners are all in a celebratory mood following the revelation of some very good financial reports. DeVere ruins Locke’s mood, however. What news has he received? DeVere has been in contact with a man by the name of Lazarov who was sceptical that Mitch really has had no further contact with the FBI. As a precaution, he gave DeVasher orders to monitor Mitch twenty-four hours a day.
81 215 Mitch travels to Ernie’s Airport Lounge to meet someone. Who is this, and why do they want to meet Mitch He is there to meet Eddie Lomax’s secretary, Tammy Hemphill. She wanted to see Mitch as she was scared that she may be murdered by the same people as murdered Lomax. She knew that Lomax was working on Mitch’s case and thought that he could shed some light on what could have happened to him.
82 216 Tammy Hemphill and Mitch agree to stay in touch. She is to send him letters informing him about her whereabouts. As a precaution they agree on a pseudonym, Doris. How do they come up with that name? Doris was the name of Tammy’s mother so they select that name as her code name.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 20

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 20

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty
94 238 When Mitch meets Abby at the airport, he is very keen that she appears very pleased to see him, why do you think that is? He knows that they are being watched and he doesn’t want them to think that anything is wrong.
95 240 After telling Abby all about what he had been told by the FBI, Mitch outlines three options open to them. What are these and what are the drawbacks of each?

1.      They could tell the FBI that they aren’t interested. However at some point in the future they will be arrested when the FBI finally manages to infiltrate the firm.

2.      They could cooperate with the FBI, but this would mean that they would have to disappear never contact any of their friends or family and hope that the mob never manages to find them.

3.      They could just run away. Head across the border into Mexico. However Lambert may discover their plan and have the mob waiting for them to arrive in Mexico.

96 245 Why did Mitch push Terrance away from him and shout abuse at him? Terrance was concerned that they had been spotted by a ‘goon’ who was following them. Terrance therefore told Mitch to act in this way to reduce any suspicion.
97 246 After reporting the incident to Avery, Mitch asks him why the FBI keeps bothering him. What reason does Avery give him? Avery tells Mitch that it is a case of harassment and nothing more.
98 249 The partners seem satisfied by the meeting with Mitch but DeVasher is convinced that he is lying. What reasons does he give for his suspicions? DeVasher had received a report from the people he had trailing Mitch and they didn’t completely validate his story. Mitch had said that he was physically forced into the shop and then left immediately. The security agents reported that he walked in voluntarily and stayed in there for a number of minutes talking. DeVasher suspects that Mitch spotted that they were being watched and then concocted the performance to put them off the scene.
99 253 DeVasher drives Mitch to a secluded spot and gives him an envelope which he says will ‘keep him honest’. What is in the envelope and how does Mitch react? The envelope contains a number of photos of him and the girl he met in the Cayman Islands. They are very incriminating and DeVasher makes it clear that he will mail them to his wife if Mitch met with any more FBI agents. Mitch is outraged at first, demanding that he knows how DeVasher got the photos. He then begins to feel humiliated and cornered, promising to acquiesce to whatever the Firm wants.

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The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 21

The Firm by John Grisham Chapter 21

The Firm by John Grisham book summary

Chapter Twenty-One

1. 255 After the excitement and unpredictability of the last few chapters, Mitch’s routine returns to normal resulting in him being forced to eat his lunch where, on most days? At his desk.
2 256 Why did Abby now move silently around her own home and constantly feel violated? She knew that she was being monitored by the surveillance equipment which she now knew was installed throughout her house.
3 257 When Mitch discovers an envelope with the words “Photographs – Do not bend” written on it, we are told that his “heart returned with the fury of a jackhammer”. What do you think that this phrase means? His heart started beating very hard.
4 259 Devasher and Locke have very different jobs to perform at the Firm. How do they feel about each other? We are told that “The two men hated each other, and made no attempt to be cordial”.
5 260 In view of the circumstances surrounding Mitch’s contact with the FBI, we discover that “Lazarov has put a freeze on hiring”. What do you think that this means? It means that the Firm have temporarily stopped hiring new employees.
6 262 Lazarov wants to as much influence as possible over McDeere. What does he order DeVasher to do to get even more ‘leverage’? Lazarov wants Abby to get pregnant. She is currently ‘on the pill’ which is a chemical contraceptive. DeVasher thus plans to break into their house and replace the real medication with placebos, fake pills which will not prevent pregnancy.

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